Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 195 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【6】

Chapter 195 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【6】

"The young master really loves Miss Jin Xi." Even his elm-headed man who had never been in love could tell.

Fan Chuang sighed, "Maybe, but seeing him like this makes me feel really uncomfortable."

Searching along the river, Li Yufeng suddenly caught sight of a layer of blood floating on the river from the corner of his eye.

Because the water flows very slowly, Li Yufeng can see it very clearly.

Could this be Jin Xi's?
This guess made Li Yufeng full of energy all over again.

No, he has to keep looking, he can't put Jin Xi in any danger!
Sure enough, walking along the bloodstains, Li Yufeng saw Jin Xi who was covered in blood and was randomly thrown in the grass by the river.

She was still wearing a pink dress, and sporadic wounds could be vaguely seen on her fair legs.

Without hesitation, Li Yufeng directly picked her up from the ground.

The blood on Jin Xi's body soon stained his white shirt red.

"Call an ambulance! Quick!"

With a roar, Dong Cheng and Fan Chuang rushed over, and when they looked at Jin Xi, they were all frightened.

"What's the matter?" Fan Chuang habitually stretched out his hand to probe Jin Xi's breath, but was blocked by Li Yufeng.

"Jin Xi will be fine! I want to take her back!"

"Young Master, get in the car!" Dong Cheng quickly drove the car over, Li Yufeng quickly carried Jin Xi into the car, Dong Cheng kicked the accelerator, and the car sped away.

In the hospital, the lights in the emergency room were on.

At the door, Li Yufeng stood with his hands behind his back, walking back and forth.

Fan Chuang had never seen Li Yufeng look so flustered, he didn't even have time to change the bloody shirt on his body, and kept guarding the door of the emergency room.

"Ah Feng, don't worry, Jin Xi will be fine." Although Fan Chuang persuaded him in this way, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Looking at Jin Xi's face when she was sent in, her face was already pale.

If it wasn't for Li Yufeng's insistence not to sniff her, Fan Chuang would think she was dead.

But Li Yufeng always pursed his lips and refused to speak, he couldn't listen to anything Fan Chuang and Dong Cheng said.

In his heart, he firmly believed that Jin Xi would be fine.

For the rest, he didn't want to think about it.

Finally, an hour after Jin Xi was pushed in, the lights in the emergency room were turned off.

A doctor in a white coat came out with a serious expression on his face.

Immediately, Fan Chuang's heart sank to the bottom.

He was not afraid of Jin Xi's death, but he was afraid that Li Yufeng would not be able to bear it.

"Where's Jin Xi? How's it going?" Li Yufeng grabbed the doctor's collar, and because he lost control, his hand was so strong that he dragged the doctor in front of him abruptly.

The doctor was taken aback. Seeing that it was Li Yufeng, his voice trembled even more, "Master Li, we really did our best."

"What do you mean?" Li Yufeng was stunned, his black eyes widened.

"Miss Jin was covered in wounds when she delivered it, and there is little hope of her surviving."

Although the doctor was also very scared, he had to tell the truth.

"What are you talking about! What are you talking about!" Li Yufeng's emotions came out all of a sudden. With a wave of his hand, he threw the doctor out and hit the wall and bounced back. Then he roared violently, "Quack doctors! Some useless people! If Jin Xi can't be cured, you will all be buried with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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