Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 198 The Mysterious Woman [1]

Chapter 198 The Mysterious Woman [1]

"You can say that." The woman wiped the lipstick on her lips, and frivolously wiped it on Rhode's face.

Rhodes turned his head, and the lipstick was on his neck.

"You let Jin Xi go! I will listen to you!"

"NO." Her fair fingers waved in front of Rhode's eyes a few times, and a contemptuous laugh came out of her mouth, "This is the end, my plan is about to succeed, how could I let Jin go?" What about Xi? You are so naive! Her death is the best outcome of this drama." 
"You can't do that to her, she's your—"

"Stop!" The woman's face suddenly became cold, and she directly interrupted Rhodes, "Don't be too naive, this time it's either she dies or I die! Do you think I will let her go?"

After the woman finished speaking, she was about to step out of the warehouse, and Rhodes quickly grabbed her sleeve.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, Li Yufeng has taken good care of her now, I have nothing to do with her for the time being."

"Can't you let her go? Jin Xi has been pitiful since she was a child!" Rhodes was fighting for Jin Xi.
The woman smiled lightly, with a sly expression on her beautiful face, "Are you talking about being pitiful? If Jin Xi becomes the young mistress of the Li family, then I will be the poor one!"

She must seize the initiative.

"There's nothing to say, you'd better take care of your own life, don't let Li Yufeng catch you, then you will die worse than me."

After speaking, the woman stepped on her high heels and left the warehouse.

Rhodes reached out to grab her, but the woman had already put chains on his feet, and he didn't have enough distance at all.

Just watched her go out, and then the warehouse door closed.

Everything was calm again.

————Jinxi Dividing Line————
Li Yufeng was also wearing a white hospital gown, and his slender figure always appeared in front of Jin Xi's bed.

But the son on the bed has never woken up, because she has been relying on nutrient solution for a long time to maintain her body functions, she has become so thin that she can see the knuckles of her fingers clearly.

Li Yufeng took her hand and put it on his face, so that he could feel her body temperature, so that he felt at ease.

"Jin Xi, wake up quickly, Xiao Bao misses you."

"Jin Xi, if you don't wake up, I will find a new mother for Xiao Bao!"

"Jin Xi, don't sleep, wake up quickly."

A deep call sounded in her ears, but it didn't wake her up as miraculously as in the TV series.

All expectations turned into disappointment, and finally turned into despair.

Jin Xi—turned into a vegetable.

A vegetative person without even consciousness.

The doctor said that her brain injury was a bit serious, but after surgery and repairs she had reached a normal state, but there would still be specific injuries.

It is not certain what kind of damage to the brain will be suffered, or what sequelae will be, because Jin Xi can't wake up now, and her consciousness is still before the car accident.

But fortunately, she escaped the danger smoothly, and all the functions of her body are slowly recovering.

Three days later, Li Yufeng was discharged from the hospital, and brought Jin Xi back to Li's house.

Li Yufeng hired the best nanny and medical team to take care of Jin Xi, and recruited brain doctors from all over the world.

As long as Jin Xi can wake up, he will give the doctor Li's family [-]% of the shares.

(End of this chapter)

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