Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 199 The Mysterious Woman [2]

Chapter 199 The Mysterious Woman [2]

You know, that is a number that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime.

Unfortunately, no one dared to try.

Because even if the conditions are very attractive, it is not an easy task to heal the diseases of Li Yufeng's subordinates, and it may even cost his own life.

So Li Yufeng looked forward and back and forth, but no one stood up and said that he could heal Jin Xi. In the end, he had to look through the brain books by himself in his spare time after handling the business of the consortium.

When the first snow fell, the continuous drop in temperature caught people off guard.

The garden of the Li family was a vast expanse of whiteness, looking down from the window, it looked like a piece of white paper, waiting for someone to draw a gorgeous picture on it.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Yufeng shifted his gaze to the sleeping person on the bed.

"Jinxi, it's snowing again today, have we never seen snow before? When you wake up, let's go to see snow every winter! Is this romantic?"

After talking to himself, Li Yufeng despises himself a little.

Ever since Jin Xi became a vegetable, he has developed the habit of talking to himself. In fact, he is talking to Jin Xi, but it is very strange to talk by himself in such a big and empty room.

He raised her hand, put it in his palm and rubbed it gently a few times, feeling that her hand was still warm, Li Yufeng felt inexplicably relieved, his thin lips curled up, and a smile appeared on his handsome face. , "Jin Xi, I have never dared to ask you a word, it is ridiculous to say! I have never been afraid of anything, but this one, I have been afraid to ask you for a long time. I don't know if you can listen now Yes, but I dare to ask you only at this time, Jin Xi, have you ever regretted getting to know me?"

"I read those materials, read our previous bits and pieces, and also learned about the incident where you and Meng Qi plotted against me. You know my temper. How could I not be angry? At that time, I really felt that I would Crazy!" Li Yufeng paused, and laughed a few times dryly, "It may be because of the environment, although I am above ten thousand people, but this position has a loneliness that you don't understand, when you break into When I was in a calm world without waves, I suddenly felt a bright light in my eyes, I felt... I suddenly found a fulcrum in my life! That's why I want to tie you to get married and tie you back to Europe"

"Jin Xi, I, Li Yufeng, have never admitted any mistakes in my life, and no one dared to make me admit my mistakes, but if you wake up, I would like to apologize to you." Li Yufeng tightened his five fingers, and put Jin Xi's hand was firmly trapped in his palm, "I admit that Li Yufeng was wrong, I—"

Li Yufeng's words stopped abruptly.

He cut off his words abruptly, and then looked at his hands in disbelief.
Was that tactile sensation just now an illusion?

He actually felt Jin Xi's hand move in his palm!
Although it was not obvious, it was enough to make Li Yufeng astonished and ecstatic.

Li Yufeng stood up from the chair, his black eyes were full of astonishment and joy, "Jin Xi, if you can hear me, can you move again?"

After he finished speaking, the catkin in his hand actually moved slightly!
In an instant, Li Yufeng couldn't describe his mood at the moment, he immediately hugged Jin Xi from the bed, and then ran all the way to the doctor's office.


Let’s have something sweet~ I was drunk yesterday, so I’ll update it today~
(End of this chapter)

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