Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 200 The Mysterious Woman [3]

Chapter 200 The Mysterious Woman [3]

In an instant, Li Yufeng couldn't describe his mood at the moment, he immediately hugged Jin Xi from the bed, and then ran all the way to the doctor's office.

"Doctor, she moved! Jin Xi moved!"

After Li Yufeng ran past, a pair of golden high heels suddenly appeared at the corner of the room.

She stood by the wall, silently watching Li Yufeng's back disappear before her eyes, and then slowly moved her red lips.

The white hands gathered together and clenched fiercely.

"Jin Xi, I didn't expect you to wake up, but don't think that I will let it go! Even if you wake up, you don't want to be happy with Li Yufeng! What you owe me, you will eventually pay me back!"

The brown colored contact lenses flashed fiercely, and then the golden high heels made a sound of hitting the ground, and finally disappeared completely around the corner.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
Jin Xi woke up too suddenly, which made it difficult for Li Yufeng, who was already desperate, to accept it for a while.

The doctor gave Jin Xi a detailed examination again, and happily told him that Jin Xi's conditions are recovering, and she may open her eyes at any time!
When he got Jin Xi's inspection report, Li Yufeng really wanted to hug Jin Xi and shout.

He ordered someone to redecorate the master bedroom of Li's family, changing it to bright colors from the beginning to the end, changing from the black and gray style of the past.

Because Li Yufeng didn't want Jin Xi to be disturbed by these dull colors when he opened his eyes for the first time.

He never thought that one day he would do such a meticulous thing for a woman.

Knowing Jin Xi's news, Fan Chuang flew back from the United States, and ordered Dongcheng to go to China to pick up Zhou Yu, who had taken care of Jin Xi.

Li Yufeng has prepared everything and is always waiting for Jin Xi to open his eyes.

For a moment, the Li family seemed to have regained their vitality, everyone had a smile on their faces, and even Li Yufeng, who was usually serious and unsmiling, could often raise his lips.
but only one person
Zhou Yugang is not used to coming here, but after hearing what happened to Jin Xi, she loves and hates Li Yufeng at the same time.

It is undeniable that Li Yufeng really loves Jin Xi, but relatively speaking, the harm he caused to Jin Xi cannot be ignored.

Zhou Yu thought about it, but he never thought who could be blamed for this matter. In the end, it could only be attributed to a bad fate.

He sighed for the nth time on the balcony, then turned around and returned to Jin Xi's bedside, and massaged her fingers.

Because the doctor said that if she doesn't massage regularly, she will have muscle atrophy.

"Jin Xi, why do you think your life has so many ups and downs?" Zhou Yu rolled his eyes after finishing talking, "I used to envy the male and female protagonists in TV dramas, but now I see you as the real version. I'm not envious! I think my quieter life is better!"

She didn't give up her dream of meeting Prince Charming Gao Fushuai, but she was afraid.

Zhou Yu was afraid that he was not as brave as Jin Xi.

If it was me, I'm afraid I couldn't think about it long ago.

Gently pressing the back of her hand with his index finger, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Zhou Yu's mouth, "Jin Xi, wake up quickly! Do you know, I suddenly feel that I have seen my spring!"

(End of this chapter)

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