Chapter 219 So, let me go [3]

"If you hate Jin Xiuhui, I can let her be buried with our child!" These are all just a few words from him!
As long as Jin Xi is happy, he can do anything.

Seeing that Jin Xi was silent, Li Yufeng thought that she wanted Jin Xiuhui to be buried with that child, so he reached out for his mobile phone and dialed Dongcheng directly.

"Master." Dong Cheng's voice reached Jin Xi's ears through the receiver.

It reminded her inexplicably of the time when she knelt down to him.
so humble
"Kill Jin Xiuhui for me! Divide her body! I want her to die in the saddest way! Pop——"

The phone was suddenly taken away, and the off button was pressed.

"Li Yufeng, is the only solution for you is to kill someone?" In the past, the power forced me to marry him, and then used force to break up my marriage, but now I want to kill him?

Jin Xi already hated his position!

if he was an ordinary person
Then everything will be different!
"Yes! I just can't keep her alive! How can my Li Yufeng's child die in her hands?" In Li Yufeng's eyes, Jin Xiuhui is an ant!

A loud slap sounded.

Suddenly, the room was quiet.

Li Yufeng looked at Jin Xi who hadn't let go in astonishment.

She actually reached out and hit herself!
"Li Yufeng, I'm really fed up with your tyranny! I'm not your doll! You can treat your fate like an ant, but I can't! I hate Jin Xiuhui, but I hate you even more! We won't be here at all if we become the top leaders! Have you ever thought about this?"

Jin Xi was also sullen.

Although her face was sickly, it was still full of stubbornness.

The tears in her eyes were still there, but her eyes became sharper.

Li Yufeng was speechless at her questioning.

That's right, if he could have saved her at that time, then later on, there would be no Huo Xu in the middle, and the following things would not have happened.

"I don't know how you dealt with Huo Xu, and I never dared to ask." She was afraid of hearing some shocking answers, and wanted to deceive herself even more. "But you have to know that his position in my heart is a height that you will never be able to reach! That's why I helped him in the first place! I can't watch you kill the Huo family, let alone watch Huo Xu died without any reaction!"

Hearing Jin Xi's hysterical growl, Li Yufeng staggered back a few steps.

Did he really do something wrong?
"Li Yufeng." Jin Xi called his name again, her mood gradually stabilized, and she continued in her soft voice just now, "We are really not suitable, so let me go."

Li Yufeng didn't know how he got out of the room, he didn't even know if he was still alive!

It turns out that the reason for everything is myself!

It turned out that the wounds in Jin Xi's heart were caused time and time again by herself!
But how did he let Jin Xi go so easily?
If Jin Xi is gone, what will he do.
"Ah Feng, what's the matter?" Fan Chuang, who was guarding the stairs, saw Li Yufeng coming out, and rushed to meet him and asked.

Li Yufeng raised his hand and raised his thin lips slightly, and said in a dry voice, "She's leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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