Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 220 Take Care of Yourself 【1】

Chapter 220 Take Care of Yourself 【1】

Li Yufeng raised his hand and raised his thin lips slightly, and said in a dry voice, "She's leaving."

"Go? Where to go?"

"I don't know." All he knew was that Jin Xi was serious this time.

Unlike previous quarrels or cold wars, she made up her mind to leave here this time.

Get away from where he is.

"No! What will you do after Jin Xi leaves?"

How to do?
Heh—he wanted to know too.

But if she continues to forcefully keep Jin Xi, will she be able to change her mind?
"By the way! I just had a letter from you!" Fan Chuang suddenly remembered, and took out a white envelope from his pocket. "It's not signed, but I asked you to open it yourself!"

Li Yufeng stretched out his hand to take it, and tore open the envelope while blocking Fan Chuang's face.

There is nothing to hide between him and Fan Chuang.

Take out the letter paper, the words on it are beautiful, a little soft but it can be seen that it is from a man's hand.

[Li Yufeng, let Jin Xi leave you quickly!Otherwise she will be in danger!I can't explain too much to you, I just want Jin Xi to be well. ——Huo Xu. 】

Huo Xu?

"Where is the person who delivered the letter just now?"

"It's useless to stop him. He's just an ordinary messenger. I asked him several times, but he just said that a man handed the letter to him in a hurry, and gave him some money to pass it on to you."

Li Yufeng's eyes darkened.

"Huo Xu means"

"Isn't he already dead? He's still alive!" Fan Chuang widened his eyes in surprise when he saw the contents of the letter.

"That's not the point, the point is what he meant, as if he was telling me that someone is trying to harm Jin Xi behind his back." Li Yufeng quickly browsed through in his mind, but still couldn't figure it out.

"Who could it be?" There are probably not many people who dare to offend the Li family now!
"Don't guess, this person will definitely not be so easy to guess."

If this person didn't hide deeply enough, he would have discovered it long ago.

"It's true. So what should we do?" There is no way to investigate this matter!

It's not about watching things go their way.

"Let's go and see."

A glint of haze flashed in Li Yufeng's eyes, and he turned and left the second floor of the villa.

Fan Chuang scratched his hair inexplicably at the back, and stepped forward to follow.

———Jinxi Dividing Line———

After Li Yufeng left, Jin Xi was still sitting on the balcony.

Seeing him walking out in a daze made her feel uncomfortable.

But the real problem was in front of her, and she couldn't help but think about it.

People who are not from the same world are, after all, two parallel lines.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard someone calling himself in the courtyard on the first floor.

Standing up from the rocking chair, I leaned over to look at the yard.

Li Yufeng's slender figure appeared in sight, and no emotion could be seen on his handsome face.

What did he ask himself to do?
"Come down, I'll take you to dinner." Li Yufeng looked up at her and waved his hand at her.

Have a meal?

Jin Xi was confused by Li Yufeng's sudden thought jump.

After being stunned for a while, Jin Xi turned around, put on her coat and walked down.

Seeing Jin Xi walking down, Li Yufeng came over to meet her, stretched out his hand and naturally grabbed her catkin.

Jin Xi couldn't adapt to Li Yufeng's sudden intimate movements, but he didn't give her a chance to hesitate, and directly pulled her into the car.

"Li Yufeng, what are you playing?" Jin Xi was on guard, not understanding what Li Yufeng was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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