Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 262 Accidentally Met Fujita 9th [3]

Chapter 262 Accidentally Meeting Fujita Nine Days [3]

"Don't you know how to deal with this kind of thing?" Fujita Jiuri stood up, his usually gentle eyes turned a little sharp at this moment, "I want you as a secretary, not just serve me tea and water every day. "

"No President"

"With a high salary, you have to do a high-paying job. Don't be confused." Fujita Kouichi raised his hand and picked up the suit on the hanger. "Go and book a flight ticket for me to go back to China, and - that cooperation must also be signed for me."

"Yes." The secretary was in a cold sweat and did not dare to neglect, "President, do you need someone to pick you up at the airport?"

"No." Fujita Kouichi looked up at the clock, then walked out of the office.

In the afternoon, Jin Xi went out early.

As for the reason - of course it was because he was afraid that Li Yufeng would rush over again.

But she looked down at her phone for the nth time, but no one called.

According to Li Yufeng's character, he won't stop like this.
Could it be that he was really saddened by his own words?
Touching her nose, Jin Xi smiled self-deprecatingly.

You see, I am a tangled person, I just rejected someone, why didn't I contact myself later!

However, she misses Li Yechen a little bit.
He wanted to hear his voice, but suddenly found that he didn't have Li Yufeng's phone number!

Sad reminder.

I checked my make-up in front of the restroom at the airport, and then glanced at the time.

There is still half an hour.

"Di Di-"

SMS alerts on mobile phones.

Swipe and click to open, it was sent by Fujita Kuichi.

[The plane is arriving soon, are you there yet? 】

Without thinking, Jin Xi hurriedly replied that she had arrived.

Put your phone in your bag and walk to the station.

The plane was on time, and Fujita Jiuka quickly walked out with a suit of luggage and sunglasses.

Jin Xi saw him at a glance, because he was tall, standing in the crowd, he had a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

"Here!" Jin Xi waved to him, Fujita Jiuri nodded and walked a few steps quickly.

"Have you been here for a long time?" Fujita Kuhichi smiled gently, "Didn't I tell you the time?"

"No, I just arrived." Jin Xi responded politely, "Just now I thought that Mr. Fujita should take a rest first after sitting on the plane for so long? How about we change the time?"

What Jin Xi said was tactful, but she actually saw that it was getting dark outside.

"I'm fine." Fujita Jiuri glanced at Jin Xi, "Let's find a coffee shop nearby to talk, and I can find a nearby hotel to stay after the talk."

"it is good."

In the warm sun cafe.

Unlike ordinary coffee shops, this place is not dominated by dark colors, but decorated with warm yellow.

Once inside, there is a feeling of sunshine on the body.

"I didn't know there was a coffee shop here." The two sat down, Jin Xi looked around, and liked the design very much.

"I've only been here once." Fujita Jiuh also nodded appreciatively, "In the future, when I buy a house for decoration, it still feels like family warmth."

Jin Xi didn't expect that Fujita Jiuri would have the same thoughts as her, and suddenly felt that others were much kinder.

It's not that I haven't met Fujita Jiuri before, but they were all in meetings, or he would be busy with a few words in a hurry, and I always feel a sense of distance.

(End of this chapter)

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