Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 263 Accidentally Met Fujita 9th [4]

Chapter 263 Accidentally Meeting Fujita Nine Days [4]

It's not that I haven't met Fujita Jiuri before, but they were all in meetings, or he would be busy with a few words in a hurry, and I always feel a sense of distance.

Now that he was sitting opposite him, he felt pulled in a lot.

He doesn't have the airs of a president, and is quite kind.

This is Jin Xi's impression.

"A glass of Blue Mountain, a glass of orange juice, thank you." While Jin Xi was thinking, Fujita Jiuri ordered two cups first, seeing Jin Xi looking at him, Fujita Jiuri explained, "Girls shouldn't drink coffee, not good for health."

"Uh, thank you." Xu didn't expect him to be so careful, and Jin Xi was a little embarrassed.

"By the way, I re-read the plan made by your studio on the plane. Generally speaking, the idea is good, and the budget can be controlled within a reasonable range, but I think there are some areas that should be improved."
"Well, let me remember, you said"

The two of them chatted until almost eight o'clock, when the sky completely darkened, before finalizing the final case.

After taking the planning book, Jin Xi gave Fujita Kuichi a friendly smile, "I'm causing you trouble, so you have to come in person."

"It's okay." Fujita Kuhi shook his head, expressing that he didn't mind.

Just as Jin Xi was about to stand up and go to pay the bill, a gust of wind suddenly rushed over her.

The familiar smell made Jin Xi's body stiff.

Li Yufeng's furious voice reached his ears.

"I went to your house to find you, but you are here drinking coffee with a man?!"

Raising his head, facing Shang Li Yufeng's bloodshot eyes, he shrunk his neck unconsciously.

How did he find here?
"Sir, you misunderstood. Miss Jin and I are just talking about cooperation." Fujita Jiuri on the side opened his mouth to help Jin Xi out.

Jin Xi hurriedly echoed, "Yeah, weren't you present when we called? I just came to discuss cooperation." After finishing speaking, Jin Xi smiled apologetically at Fujita Kuichi, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay." Fujita Jiuri pursed his lips, his eyes glanced at Li Yufeng inadvertently, "I won't bother you, I have to leave first."

"Okay, I'll see you off." Jin Xi glanced at Li Yufeng, wanting to pass him to see Fujita Jiuri.

Who knew that Li Yufeng suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her, "He has hands and feet, why did you send them to him?"

"." Jin Xi was choked speechless.

On the other hand, Fujita Kuhiro smiled indifferently, "It's okay, I can go by myself."

Looking at the back of Fujita Jiuri leaving, Jin Xi was thinking, when Li Yufeng will be as reasonable as him.

Li Yufeng's roar came again, "Still watching? Are you really in love with him?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jin Xi glared at him, and was about to leave with her bag.

"Jin Xi! How dare you ignore me—you—"

Li Yufeng's good self-cultivation all failed. Seeing that Jin Xi had already walked out, he still had to follow in the end.

This woman must have been sent by heaven to torture him.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"Did he say anything inappropriate to you?"

"Did he say he was chasing you?"

Li Yufeng kept asking in her ear, and Jin Xi didn't know which one to answer.

"Jinxi! Didn't you hear me?"

"I heard it." Jin Xi said without stopping her footsteps, and kept walking on the way home.

Li Yufeng simply stopped driving and followed Jin Xi for a long distance.

(End of this chapter)

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