Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 295 Your birthmark is very similar to a friend of mine [1]

Chapter 295 Your birthmark is very similar to a friend of mine [2]

After waving his hands, Fujita Kuhi laughed, "Why does it sound like I'm a boss who oppresses employees?"

"Mr. Fujita, Jin Xi has such a temperament." Zhou Yu interrupted with a smile on the side, "As soon as I owe something to others, I want to pay it back quickly! When her injury is still not healed, she is clamoring to make plans every day." case."

"Oh?" Fujita Jiuri hooked his lips with a smile, "Miss Jin Xi is really a responsible boss, if you are so dedicated, if I don't recommend it to others, am I being too stingy?"

After finishing speaking, Fujita Jiuri stretched out his hand to Jin Xi.

Both Jin Xi and Zhou Yu were taken aback.

"I think if you want to introduce a studio, there is nothing more sincere than the boss himself."

Jin Xi was caught off guard immediately.

It's not wrong to reject Fujita Kuichi, but if we go with him, will it be photographed by the news media?

She is not afraid of gossip, she is the vinegar vat at home
"Don't worry, no reporters were invited to the banquet." Fujita Kuichi seemed to be able to read her mind.

Jin Xi froze for a moment, a little surprised.

"Just go, it's okay! Without reporters, what are you afraid of?" Zhou Yu also encouraged her.

Helpless, Jin Xi had no choice but to reach out and put his arm on his.

Fujita Jiuri smiled slightly, and led Jin Xi away from the corner.

It has to be said that under the illumination of the banquet lights, Fujita Kuichi was undoubtedly the most conspicuous in the whole banquet no matter in terms of stature, height or appearance.

Being brought by his side, Jin Xi could already feel countless jealous eyes.

It made her face flush, and she couldn't find a reason to escape.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Director Yang of the Bureau of Statistics!" Fujita walked a few steps on Jiuri and met a fat man with a beer belly.

Wei Wei introduced for Jin Xi, but she was a little out of the situation.

Fujita Jiuri gently touched her with his elbow, and she came back to her senses, and quickly stretched out her hand, "Hello, I'm from Xiyu Studio."

Director Yang smiled, and just when he was about to reach out to hold Jin Xi back, Fujita Jiu Ri suddenly pulled Jin Xi, pulled her behind him, and then took his hand himself.

"Director Yang is also very busy recently, right?"

"Huh?" Director Yang was obviously stunned for a moment, and withdrew his hand resentfully, anger flashed in his eyes, but due to Fujita Kuichi's status, he didn't dare to get angry, so he quickly echoed him and said, "Yeah, I'm very busy." .”

Just as he was talking, Director Yang's phone rang.

Fujita Kuhi smiled, "Then I won't bother you, Director Yang."

After speaking, he took Jin Xi and left that area.

Jin Xi asked him in a low voice with some puzzlement, "Why did you just..." not let her shake hands?

"That Director Yang is notoriously a pervert! Do you want to be taken advantage of by him?" Fujita Jiuri raised his eyebrows.

Jin Xi suddenly realized, and felt a little embarrassed.

She thought that Fujita Koukichi was deliberately embarrassing herself
"Okay, you don't have to reach out for what I'll introduce to you next."

"Why?" Jin Xi was puzzled.

Shouldn't you express your sincerity by reaching out first?
"There is no reason, because you are my female companion." At this banquet, no one dared not to betray him.

Although it was a bit tiring to go around in a circle, it was undoubtedly a resounding advertisement for Xi Yu's studio.

(End of this chapter)

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