Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 296 Your birthmark is very similar to a friend of mine [1]

Chapter 296 Your birthmark is very similar to a friend of mine [3]

Although it was a bit tiring to go around in a circle, it was undoubtedly a resounding advertisement for Xi Yu's studio.

And this advertising spokesperson is Fujita Kuichi.

No one at the banquet said anything, but they all knew it well.

When the birthday dinner was about to start, Fujita Jiuri sent her back to Zhou Yu, and then left by himself.

Zhou Yu winked at her ambiguously, and Jin Xi gave her a hasty look.

"It's all about you, we agreed to sit in the corner, why did you push me out?" If she hadn't insisted on letting herself and Fujita Kuhi out just now, she would have wanted to refuse.

"Mr. Fujita has come here in person. Wouldn't it be nice for you to refuse?" Zhou Yu shrugged indifferently, "And you should have gained a lot this time! I think you know a lot of people."

"That's true." Jin Xi nodded in agreement, "I just don't know if it will be useful in the future."

"Many friends, many paths."

"It's true." Jin Xi sat down and rubbed her ankles, then frowned.

It was very sore, and the insteps were marked with red marks by the high heels.

"But I'm curious, why is Mr. Fujita so busy with us? No, why is he helping you so much?" It stands to reason that they are just a cooperative relationship, and they don't need to help their studio everywhere.

Moreover, when he took the initiative to find them with a plan, Zhou Yu felt like pie from heaven.

He can definitely find a powerful and famous company to do it.

Jin Xi shook her head, "I don't know, but... I don't think Mr. Fujita seems to have any other intentions for me. His behavior and behavior are very polite, and there is no deviation."

"That may be because I think too much."

In the backstage of the banquet, a woman in a white princess dress stood on the slow stage, her eyes were fixed on the people below.

"Hua Ai, what are you doing?"

As soon as Hua Ai turned her head, she saw Mrs. Hua standing behind her.

She quickly threw herself into her arms coquettishly, "Mom, I see the boy you want to introduce to me."

"Oh? You mean Fujita Nine Days?" Mrs. Hua raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Hua Ai nodded, her little face was a little red, "Mom, can people take a fancy to me?"

"Of course! My daughter is not bad at all." Mrs. Hua stroked her hair and took her hand, "Come on, Mom will take you to get to know her now."

Hua Ai hesitated a bit, but still walked with her mother.

Mrs. Hua and Hua Ai just came downstairs, just in time for Fujita Jiuri to be at the top of the stairs.

Looking up at Hua Ai, Fujita Kyuhichi had no expression on his face.

But seeing Mrs. Hua coming down closely, Fujita Kuichi smiled.

"Today, Mr. Fujita honored me by coming to my daughter's birthday dinner. I'm really happy." Mrs. Hua smiled happily, and she didn't forget to take Hua Ai by the hand to introduce Fujita Nine Days, "Hua Ai, come here quickly, Mom Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Fujita Kuka."

"This is Miss Hua?" Fujita Jiuri raised his eyebrows and smiled, Hua Ai couldn't help but feel hot on his handsome face.

"Hello, I'm Hua Ai." Hua Ai stretched out his hand timidly.

Fujita Kukichi shook it politely and then let go.

"Mr. Fujita, you and my daughter will chat first, I still have a social meeting." Mrs. Hua quickly moved away, leaving the space for the young man.

But who knew Mrs. Hua had just left, and Fujita Jiuri also took the opportunity to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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