Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 311 Whose Child Is This [3]

Chapter 311 Whose Child Is This [3]

"Don't guess, I did take you to meet them, but they are not related to me by blood, but to you."

"With me?" Jin Xi straightened up suddenly, "Please explain clearly, don't talk halfway every time."

It's really annoying to hang people's appetite.

Fujita Kuhi chuckled, "We'll be there in about 3 minutes. I'll explain to you when I see them."

Jin Xi's mind was spinning rapidly, after all, she couldn't come up with any clues, and finally she could only lean back on the car seat weakly.

Well, then she will be patient for a while.

When the car drove to Nanyuan, Jin Xi was a little confused.

Because it's a bit remote here, she had to think a little more.
"Here we are, get out of the car." Fujita Jiuri's gentle voice pulled back Jin Xi's thoughts.

She opened the car door and walked down, only to find a villa in front of her.

It's a little different from the ones next to it, because none of them seem to be inhabited, but this one is indeed full of life.

Even the ivy at the door is green.

"Where is this?"

Jin Xi was a little unsure if he had gone to the wrong place.

Fujita Kuhi smiled, "Go, I'll take you in."

After speaking, he took Jin Xi's hand and walked in together.

"Aunt Lan, I like this!"

"Aunt Lan, why didn't Uncle Fujita come over?"

A crisp boy's voice came from the living room of the villa.

Jin Xi was a little taken aback, but followed him in.

"Uncle is here!" As soon as he stepped in, Fujita Koukichi bent down and hugged the little boy standing in the middle of the hall.

That level of intimacy is even closer than when Li Yufeng met Li Yechen.

No wonder Jin Xi said he was the son of Fujita Kuhi.

"You..." The woman sitting on the sofa saw Jin Xi, and looked at Fujita Kuka for some reason.

He smiled leisurely, "She is Jin Xi, Xiao Wang's aunt."

dear aunt?
What do you mean?
Jin Xi looked at Fujita Kouichi incomprehensibly, "Whose child is this?"
He put the child in his arms on the ground, then patted him on the shoulder to let him play in the yard, and then slowly said to Jin Xi, "He is Meng Qi's child, and now Lan Ling will take care of him."

Meng Qi's child?
This answer surprised Jin Xi, "What about her? Why don't you take care of the child yourself?"

"Your sister has already been forced to death by Li Yufeng."


Jin Xi staggered a few steps back, staring at Fujita Kuichi in disbelief.

"Yes, Li Yufeng's third uncle also dug out Xiao Wang's cornea, this child is now blind."

"Ah—" Jin Xi covered her ears suddenly and screamed, "Stop talking, stop talking!"

"Jin Xi, escaping is not the solution to the problem, you have to face the reality." Seeing Jin Xi like this, Fujita felt very uncomfortable on the [-]th.

He walked over and hugged her into his arms, "I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is reality! That's why I was a little surprised when I heard that you agreed to his marriage proposal."

Li Yufeng killed his own sister, and also gouged out her son's cornea?

This news made Jin Xi really unable to bear it for a while.

She couldn't imagine that the cute little boy just now was actually blind?
(End of this chapter)

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