Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 312 Li Yufeng, I Ask You Something [1]

Chapter 312 Li Yufeng, I Ask You Something [1]

She couldn't imagine that the cute little boy just now was actually blind?
He is only as old as Li Yechen
"I think Miss Jin is too excited, I'll pour her a glass of water to calm her down." Lan Ling felt uncomfortable when he saw Jin Xi's appearance.

After all, she is also a woman.

"No! Don't!" Jin Xi suddenly growled, and hurried out with her bag.

Fujita Jiuri was stunned. Fortunately, Lan Ling went over and pushed him, so he recovered and chased him out.

Jin Xi walked in a hurry, even a little flustered.

She's going to ask Li Yufeng, and she's going to ask now!
She kept telling herself that she couldn't just believe Fujita Kuichi's words, she couldn't believe it!

But in fact, Jin Xi already knew it in her heart. According to Li Yufeng's personality before, what Fujita Jiuri said was absolutely true.

Li Yufeng can definitely do it.

But after all, that was his only relative in the world, so he was killed by Li Yufeng
Especially that child's voice kept ringing in my ears——

Jin Xi felt as if she had instantly returned to the period when she was suffering from mental illness.

She felt that she couldn't let herself go, she couldn't get out of her thoughts!


Fujita Kouichi ran a few steps quickly and chased after her, and then grabbed her trembling body.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" Jin Xi's reaction was very fierce, she kept struggling and beating in his arms.

Fujita Koukichi also allowed her to beat her, and even got a few red marks on his chest.

It wasn't until he felt that the person in his arms gradually calmed down that he said slowly, "Don't be so impulsive, please? I'm telling you this, I don't want you to look like this! I don't want your sister to die in peace."

"Don't say any more, okay?" After a lot of tossing, Jin Xi had no strength, and even spoke weakly, "Give me a period of time to calm down, and I'll see that child again."

"Listen!" Fujita Nine Hi clamped her arm and shook it twice, "I don't want you to be depressed! You are the only relative of that child, and only you can save him, do you understand? "

"How to save?"

As long as she thinks about that child, Jin Xi feels like a net covering herself.

Not even a chance to breathe.

"As long as his eyes find a suitable cornea, his eyesight can be restored, and those corneas are now in the eyes of Uncle Li Yufeng's lover!" Fujita Jiuri paused, and continued, "Xiao Wang is you My nephew, you are the only ones in this world who are related by blood, and you are his only hope to see the light!"

See bright hope.
Li Yufeng's Third Uncle
These two sentences kept hitting her reason, making her unable to think at all.

Slowly hugging her head, Jin Xi was in pain, "Can you let me be quiet?"

"...Alright then." Fujita Kuichi let go of his hand, "Do you want me to see you off?"

"No! I want to go by myself." She could only use this to clear her mind.

Fujita Jiuri didn't force Jin Xi, but he still watched Jin Xi far away before looking away.

"Li Yufeng, let me see how you explain this time"


Everyone said that Huo Xu loved deeply, and he really gave everything, so that the essence of love was changed and turned into vicious plunder.

(End of this chapter)

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