Chapter 104

Since Nie Chenyi Z sent Yunmo back to Lingyuan that day, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Yunmo's expression was very strange!
There was a pain in my heart as if I was about to lose Yunmo, and I became more and more restless!
Nie Shuiling on the side looked at his frizzy appearance, and the eyes that were originally looking at her photo couldn't help but move to the side, looking at Nie Chenyi.

He sat, stood, and walked back and forth in the living room!
"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Nie Shuiling's voice, Nie Chenyi looked at her irritably, "I don't know, I just feel very irritated!"

An idea flashed in Mu Ran's mind, and she hurried to Nie Shuiling's side, looking at the camera in her arms, "How are you doing taking pictures now, have you regained your senses?"

Speaking of this, Nie Shuiling's small face immediately fell down, heartbroken, and sighed heavily, "Oh, don't mention it, it's getting more and more backward!"

Hearing this, Nie Chenyi was overjoyed, "Then Xiaoling, why don't you call and ask Yunmo to be a model for you, so that you can regain your feelings. As the saying goes, you need medicine for a heart disease!"

As soon as he spoke, Nie Shui was greeted with contempt on his face, naked and undisguised disgust, and his buttocks moved unconsciously.

"Brother, you are the one who wanted to find Yunmo, why did you push it to me!"

Seeing this, Nie Chenyi saw that he couldn't hide it, so he simply kept on doing nothing, and confessed all the worries in his heart!
"Xiao Ling, for some reason, I was very worried about Yunmo. When I went to eat with her that day, I met an old man who was being chased for debt. After she saw it, she was absent-minded and even looked worried. , hurried back to Lingyuan after dinner, this is not like the Yunmo I know, I am worried about what will happen to her?"

"is it?"

Nie Shuiling looked at him dubiously, frowned and thought for a while. Based on her understanding of Yunmo, Yunmo liked spending time with her elder brother the most. How could this happen? Could it be?
"Okay, for the sake of you begging me so much, I'll call and ask for you!"

Nie Shuiling was looking for her phone number, but Nie Chenyi gave her the phone number with rare courtesy, and looked at her expectantly.

To be honest, even her younger sister, whom she sees every day, can't stand her brother's electrified eyes, let alone other women, how could they be deceived by him.

Nie Shuiling took the phone hesitantly, unlocked it, found out Yunmo's number, pressed the dial button, and turned on the loudspeaker without hesitation!
Just when the two were looking forward to it, a cold voice came from the phone!

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later!"

Hearing the voice from the phone, Nie Chenyi became even more anxious.

Even Nie Shuiling, as if infected by Nie Chenyi, hurriedly took back the phone, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm calling her home, I asked her about it that day!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Nie Chenyi's urging, she hurriedly found the Lingyuan car that Yunmo told her about that day.

This time the phone rang a few times before being picked up, and an elderly woman's voice came from inside.

"Hello, this is Lingyuan, who are you looking for?"

Nie Chenyi recognized this voice. It was Rong Ma, the person who cared about Yunmo very much. I want to ask if Xiaomo is at home!"

"Oh, it's Mr. Nie, Xiaomo went to school for an exam!"

When Rong Ma heard Nie Chenyi's polite voice, she immediately thought of him!
(End of this chapter)

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