Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 105 Please Trouble You

Chapter 105 Please Trouble You

This morning Yunmo called her and told her that she would be busy with exams these days and would not come back. Didn't Xiaomo tell Mr. Nie?
Rong's mother was a little suspicious. With the relationship between Yunmo and Nie Chenyi, she wouldn't even tell him what Xiaomo was doing!

However, she is not a talkative person who has always been used to strong winds and waves!
After listening to Rong Ma's words, Nie Chenyi suddenly realized why he became so stupid, did he and Yun Mo hear her class teacher tell her that she was going to take the graduation exam?
Thinking of this, he secretly blamed himself for making a fuss and making a fuss, "Mother Rong, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that Yunmo told me before!"

"Oh, then I don't worry, I thought you and Xiaomo were having a quarrel, Mr. Nie, Xiaomo is used to taking everything to heart, if you don't tell others, I will trouble you!"

"Well, I will pay attention to it, and see you later, Mama Rong!"

When Nie Chenyi hung up the phone, he felt a surprised look from his side. He didn't need to look back to know that it was his precious sister, Nie Shuiling!
At this moment, she, needless to say, was also full of disgust, and he touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

"your phone!"

Throwing the phone to Nie Shuiling, he got up and strode out of the living room, heading towards his bedroom!

Nie Shuiling left behind with a look of disgust, rolling her eyes. People say that people in love have zero IQ. She always thought that her holy brother would be different, but she didn't expect to be more idiot than ordinary people.

Alas, in this world, probably only Yunmo can make him like this!

You know, on weekdays, he is as smart as he wants, he is very shrewd, nothing can escape his eyes!
Nie Chenyi returned to his room, changed into casual clothes, and put on a black suit. Looking at his handsome and extraordinary self in the mirror, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Satisfied, he took the car keys, opened the door, and strode towards the garage!

Ignore Nie Shuiling's astonishment at all!

Nie Chenyi drove the car directly towards Seton University, he only had one thought in his mind, he wanted to see Yunmo!
At this time, Yunmo was lying alone in the cold ward. After a day of recuperation, the wound on his back gradually scabbed, and the pain on his body gradually eased with the medicine prescribed by the doctor, but the pain in his heart became more serious. !

She looked at the mobile phone on the bedside table. She hadn't turned it on yet. She knew that Nie Chenyi would definitely call her for dinner at this time.

She couldn't refuse his request!
Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling bitter in my heart. I couldn't bear to look straight away and looked away at the world outside the window. I saw that the lawn not far from her ward was full of all kinds of people, including old people. ,have children!

Everyone closes their eyes and enjoys the warmth brought by the gentle sunshine. The morning sun has a thin halo, like a quilt, covering them gently, more like the palm of a mother, gentle And delicate touch on the body.

Give people a little bit of comfort to their wounded hearts, let them experience the suffering of society, and find a little bit of comfort and warmth in the sun for their hearts riddled with holes!

Seeing their expressions of enjoyment, Yun Mo couldn't help being envious, and couldn't help but lift the quilt, ignoring the pain coming from her body, walked down barefoot, came to the window, stood by the window, and took a deep breath. Tone, trying to breathe the taste of sunshine!
(End of this chapter)

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