Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 106 She Didn't Come to School

Chapter 106 She Didn't Come to School

Nie Chenyi drove to Yunmo's school, Seton University. Looking at the school gate, there were still people coming and going. He wanted to find that familiar figure, but he was afraid of being disturbed, so he sat in the car with an uneasy feeling in his arms!

He doesn't know what's wrong with him, he hasn't seen Yunmo for a day, and he just misses her like this, the kind of unforgettable longing that he hasn't had in more than 20 years!

Looking forward to and nervous, what should I say when I see her, don't be too deliberate!
Don't look at Yun Mo's appearance of not paying attention to anything, in fact, she has a keen mind, and she can find out even a little bit of the situation, but she never speaks of it!

With Nie Chenyi's outstanding appearance and expensive luxury car, his appearance naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Looking at his thoughtful handsome face through the window, it is easy to arouse the motherhood of a woman, and I wish I could run into the car, stretch out my hand to smooth the wrinkles on his forehead, tell him that everything is with her, and let him stop worrying. .

When Yang Yi came to the school gate, he happened to see the stopped famous car. He walked towards the famous car with confident steps, head held high, and an arrogant expression, showing that he was unattainable.

This is the method she has always used to strike up conversations. Her confidence comes from her beauty. For this face, she basically spent all her efforts. She has tried countless times, and no man can escape. her palms!

Especially such a rich young man loves this moment even more!
Unsurprisingly, enjoying everyone's envious gazes further ignited the evil nature hidden in her body!
Confidently opened the car door, and sat towards the passenger seat. Instead of looking at Nie Chenyi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, he took out the makeup box from his bag, and smeared on his face in front of the mirror, with a charming tone.

"Where are we going tonight?"

The reason for asking this question is to kill two birds with one stone. If a man is greedy for her beauty, then it is logical. If a man does not like her, she has already found a way for herself. She got on the wrong car. She is very skilled!


Nie Chenyi was disturbed by others, feeling suddenly irritable in his heart, he looked coldly at Yang Yi who was sitting in his car making a gesture.

Hearing the cold and familiar voice, Yang Yi shuddered, and looked at Nie Chenyi with eyes as calm as possible.

When her eyes touched Nie Chenyi's handsome face, she was stunned. She knew this man, the man who was with Yun Mo that night, the man she would never forget in her life, the man she was obsessed with.

It's also her shame, she will never forget Yunmo's proud expression at that time, and from then on, she vowed to find a rich man and trample Yunmo under her feet!
Unexpectedly, I met him again today!

Facing his cold gaze, Yang Yi felt timidity and fear that he had never felt before. Instead of being calm in the past, he became restless and agitated!


"Don't make me say it a second time!"

Nie Chenyi's increasingly cold face made Yang Yi unable to stay for a moment, but thinking of how hard it was for him to see him again, he didn't say a word, so sorry for himself!

Changing from the previous Humei, "You are here to find Yunmo!"

Her words successfully attracted Nie Chenyi's attention. Nie Chenyi turned his head to look at her. His face was covered with a layer of powder. up!

"She didn't come to school!"

Yang Yi felt that she was very pathetic. In order to talk to the person she liked, she would not hesitate to be shameless, and she was talking about another woman, which made her hate Yunmo even more!
(End of this chapter)

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