Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 110 Preserved Egg Lean Meat Porridge

Chapter 110 Preserved Egg Lean Meat Porridge

He is very relaxed in the Ling family, except for their injuries, he basically has enough time to study his favorite medicine.

And the Ling family tried their best to meet his needs!

Xu Haoming deliberately ignored some things that he shouldn't think about, and devoted himself seriously to Yunmo's wound!
When he gently removed the gauze on Yunmo's wound, the unconscious Yunmo frowned in pain.

Looking at this expression, Ling Junhan on the side wanted to say something, but stopped a few times before he was stillborn, without saying a word, watching quietly, not to disturb!
Xu Haoming took care of the wound on Yunmo's back, reached out to touch her clothes, and wanted to see if she had any other wounds, but he heard Ling Jun's cold voice and asked defensively.

"What are you doing!"

Hearing this, Xu Haoming hurriedly stepped on the brake with his outstretched hand, raised his head, and looked at him with innocent eyes.

"I just want to check with her, is there any other wounds, nothing else!"

Listening to Xu Haoming's words, Ling Junhan suddenly felt that he was a little too much, turned his head awkwardly and walked out of the room.

Let Rong Ma, who has been guarding the door of the room, come in, and walk towards the study by herself!

Obviously he couldn't accept his mistake just now!
He himself didn't know what was going on, and when he saw Xu Haoming about to take off Yunmo's clothes, he felt inexplicably angry.

That kind of worry was something he had never had before!
Seeing his leaving back, Rong's mother hurried into the room, and saw Xu Haoming giving Yunmo an injection!
"Doctor Xu, what happened to Yunmo? Is the injury serious?"

Dr. Xu took off the plastic gloves on his hand and sighed, "Her wound should have been injured by gravity. The wound is deep and a bit serious. It is also the most serious injury in the whole body. In addition, there are some bruises on her good legs, which should be caused by the impact. Up!"

"What's going on, you've only been out for a few days, how can you be so seriously injured, can't it be?"

Rong's mother wanted to say that there would be no active hands in advance, although he often tortured Yunmo, but he never really hurt her with his hands, could it be this time?

Xu Haoming knew what she was thinking, and shook his head, "No, Mama Rong, try not to let her touch the water these few days, or do stimulating exercises, she may have to sleep for a while, let's go out first! "


Rong's mother walked out of the room with a worried step and three turns. Xu Haoming carried the medicine box, closed the door for her, and followed Rong's mother towards the downstairs!

"I will continue to pass these two days. I will give her some anti-inflammatory injections, change her dressings, and I will also prescribe some painkillers for her. After she wakes up, you can give her. Such a deep wound will definitely hurt. !"

Xu Haoming explained them one by one.

Rong Ma nodded, "Okay, thank you!"

Mother Rong sent Xu Haoming away, took the painkiller he prescribed for Yunmo, and when she turned back to the living room, she happened to bump into Ling Junhan who came out of the study!
Ling Junhan looked at the medicine in Mama Rong's hand, turned around and walked towards the kitchen!

Seeing this, Rong's mother hurriedly followed behind him, "Sir, Uncle Fu is not here today, what do you want to eat, let me help you!"

"Preserved egg and lean pork porridge!"

After speaking, he left the living room without looking back, and walked into the study again.

Listening to the five words that popped out of his mouth, Rong's mother couldn't recover, you must know that on weekdays, Mr. is the person who hates porridge the most!

Could it be because of Yunmo!
Such an idea inexplicably arises in his heart, the more he thinks about it, the more certain he is. On weekdays, Yunmo loves preserved egg and lean meat porridge the most.

(End of this chapter)

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