Chapter 111 What did you say

That day, Nie Chenyi came down to Yunmo's room under the leadership of Dean Luo, holding his heart in his chest, thinking that he would get the answer when he saw Yunmo.

Unexpectedly, they pushed open the ward, but saw an empty room with messy quilts on the messy bed, and the curtains were drawn. The sunlight shone into the room with a strong breath of sunshine, and the whole room was It looks warm.

Nie Chenyi walked into the room, saw no one, felt very disappointed, worries for a long time erupted together, his mind was full of Yunmo's frowns and smiles, and a sense of uneasiness spread from the bottom of his heart.

I think back to the first time I saw Yun Mo, she was at a loss, embarrassed, and dismissive of him, which hit his self-esteem like never before.

But when he touched the swollen wound on Yunmo's foot, he was shocked. As a medical worker, he knew how painful such a wound was.

He has never been curious about her, and after the chance encounter on campus, she closed her eyes and sniffed the intoxication in the air. The intoxicated expression fascinated him, but he was more curious about what she was like than her mystery one person!

Especially when she knew that she didn't have a friend during the three years in school, she was shocked by her life and wanted to know more about it, so she wanted a magnet, the closer she got, the more she couldn't resist her temptation.

Her stubbornness, her stubbornness, all left a thick brand on the tip of his heart, and became one with him!
Seeing the obsession and attachment to him in her eyes, his heart became more and more out of control. In order to be able to open her heart, he took her to see his mother, in order to let her blend in quickly. own life, so that he can blatantly protect her.

However, she was slow to react, but he was afraid of being too hasty and scaring her away!
Everything went according to her, and everything was moving in the direction he expected!

When he heard that she was hurt, he couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, had a heart for her, didn't mind her background, and wanted to marry her as his only partner in this life.

That kind of impatient heart made him unable to bear it for a moment. Every second he didn't see her was a torment!
However, the result was beyond his expectation. He waited in the hospital ward for a whole day, but he didn't see any sign of her.

His uneasy heart began to be afraid, and he searched the entire hospital, but still did not see her.

Fear engulfed him all the time, like a lunatic, looking for places where she might appear, school, Lingyuan, Qifeng, but she seemed to have evaporated from the world!
It wasn't until he met a person, Yang Xiaodie, that he realized that all this was going in a direction he couldn't expect!

"What did you say?"

Yang Xiaodie looked at the man in front of him who was crazy about Yunmo, and couldn't bear to say, "I can see that she cares about you very much, but it seems that something happened to her. I asked her, but she didn't say anything, it's just that she The eyes full of helplessness and despair told me that that matter was very important, so important that she abandoned everything desperately, including you!"

Hearing this, Nie Chenyi staggered back a step, his face was full of disbelief, his injured eyes were full of unconcealable sadness.

No, he finally met her, and he will never let her go so easily!
Thinking of everything about her past, a flash of light flashed in her mind, could it be Ling Junhan again!
(End of this chapter)

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