Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 139 I have news to tell you

Chapter 139 I have news to tell you
"What did you say? She got depressed and committed suicide!"

Nie Chenyi looked at Du Xinyan standing in front of him in disbelief.

Du Xinyan nodded, "Yes, I have a senior sister. She is a psychiatrist who specializes in psychological treatment. She is treating Yunmo recently. Before me, I was a little unbelievable, but I heard from her that it was Ling Junhan who asked her to go. Yes, I just found out that that person is Yunmo!"

Du Xinyan didn't know why he told Nie Chenyi that Yunmo was suffering from depression, maybe it was during this period of time, and seeing Nie Chenyi's self-abandonment and decadence, she felt very distressed.

Compared with this heartache, she hopes that she will feel uncomfortable. What she likes is a man who is extremely confident in everything he does, full of confidence, nothing can stop him, standing at the top of the medical field, an eye-catching man!

Since Nie Chenyi came home that day and woke up, he never showed a smile on his face. Once the sunny day changed, his whole person seemed to be a different person, and he got drunk every day.

In the past, the wine that he regarded as poison for medical practitioners has become the best poison for anesthetizing him!

He thought that by doing this, he could stop missing her and forget her every frown and smile, but, on the contrary, the more he wanted to forget, the more obvious the memory would be.

That day when Yun Mo left, his back became clearer!

Hearing Du Xinyan's dictation, Nie Chenyi realized how wrong he was. He always thought that he knew Yunmo very well and believed in Yunmo.

But that day, Yunmo was in such pain, but he was indifferent because Yunmo chose to leave him!
Nie Chenyi regretted it!

He grabbed Du Xinyan and asked hastily, "Then how is she doing now?"

Du Xinyan saw that he was so anxious for other women, her heart ached, but she had no choice, since she chose fulfillment, she had to do it to the end.

"She is very depressed now, and she basically doesn't let anyone get close to her. She shuts herself in a dark room every day. When the sun comes out, she stands in the sun and lets the sun shine. But, the senior sister said, she won't do it again. Suicide!"

After Du Xinyan finished speaking, Nie Chenyi let go of Du Xinyan's hand, not feeling anything wrong with Du Xinyan at all.

The hand he held just now was the arm that was injured to save him that day!

Du Xinyan's face was pale, but in order not to let Nie Chenyi find out, she could only bear it silently.

Nie Chenyi knew that this was unfair to Du Xinyan, he recovered his sanity, he was no longer what he was before.

"Xinyan, I'm sorry!"

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Du Xinyan's mouth.

"No, Yunmo is also my friend. Seeing her living in such pain, shouldn't friends help each other, and you don't have to take it to heart!"


Nie Chenyi was about to say something but was quickly interrupted by Du Xinyan.

"Okay, I just have something to do here, I have to go first, I have news to tell you!"

After finishing speaking, he left Nie Chenyi's house without looking back, and disappeared in Nie Chenyi's eyes.

Nie Chenyi knew that he was unfair to Du Xinyan, he tried his best to make up for it, but found that he couldn't do anything for him, and everything he said felt hypocritical.

With a heavy sigh!
Du Xinyan drove for a long time before stopping.

Looking at herself in the mirror with tears streaming down her face, she closed her eyes in pain, her heart felt so uncomfortable, as if she was about to suffocate, even breathing was so laborious.

She buried herself on the steering wheel and cried wantonly!

He didn't notice at all that the scabbed wound on the arm that Nie Chenyi had grabbed before was opening, and there was a burning pain.

Because compared to the wounds on her hands, the wounds in her heart are more serious!
(End of this chapter)

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