Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 140 Brother Chapter 141 I want to leave first

Chapter 140 Brother Chapter 141 I want to leave first
Du Xinyan's pain and grievances are only known to her.

Just when she fell into pain and couldn't extricate herself, a burst of pleasant bells interrupted all this.

She hastily wiped off the tears on her face with her hands, picked up the phone in a panic, saw the word Leng Xiuya flashing on it, sniffed, hesitated, and then answered the phone.

"Xinyan, where are you?"

Listening to the slightly sad but caring voice on the phone, Du Xinyan's tears that had just dried up broke down again.

But she has always disliked being vulnerable in front of others, so she forcibly suppressed the pain in her heart and tried to use a voice that sounded normal to herself.

"What's up?"

Although she has worked very hard, the previous crying has disturbed her normal voice, it sounds very hoarse!

Leng Xiuya immediately heard something wrong in her voice.

"Tell me your address, I'll come find you!"

"No need, I want to be alone," he hung up the phone without waiting for Leng Xiuya's answer.

She knew that Leng Xiuya liked her, but she was already hurt, and she couldn't let Leng Xiuya love someone like her, so begging for perfection. She knew that feeling very painful.

Since you don't love him, don't give him hope!
Listening to the "beep" sound from the phone, Leng Xiuya sighed. He understood that Du Xinyan didn't love him, but he still couldn't let it go, so he checked the location of Du Xinyan on his mobile phone.

Ignoring everyone's stares, she hurriedly prepared to leave the banquet!

The banquet this time is a gathering of the Leng family, and all the people who come are from the Leng family, and everyone related to the Leng family is present, even the third younger brother Leng Lianyu, who has never seen the end of the dragon, also comes in a suit and leather shoes During the banquet!

It was a family meeting in name, but it was actually a candidate meeting for selecting the next Patriarch!

This was a major turning point in his life, but when he heard Du Xinyan crying, he couldn't ignore it.

Career and love, you can't have both, he can only choose one!

He chose love without any suspense, and left everything in his family to run towards Du Xin. Even though he knew that the person Du Xinyan liked was not him, he would never hesitate!

In his world view, status and status can be obtained at any time, but love is something that cannot be found. Sometimes, if you miss it, it will be a lifetime.

Although there are countless women who like him, and those who take the initiative to find him are even more popular, but none of those people walked into his heart.

From his more than 20 years of life, only Du Xinyan has truly entered his heart.

The shock and amazement of the first meeting is still vivid in my mind, and it doesn't matter what I do for her!
As soon as he reached the exit of the banquet, he was stopped by Leng Lianyu.

"Second brother!"

Looking at Leng Lianyu's stern face, he knew that his third brother had always been cold-faced and warm-hearted. Although he didn't say anything, he knew everything!

"Lianyu, I have to leave first!"

With a lazy expression, Leng Lianyu looked at him puzzled. He knew that his second brother liked Du Xinyan, but he knew even more that Du Xinyan liked Nie Chenyi. It was impossible for his second brother to win Du Xinyan's heart.

For such an important banquet, he wanted his second brother to be selected, so he had to stop him.

"Are you worth it?"

Leng Xiuya paused, and looked at Leng Lianyu with sad eyes.

"Liaoyu, you don't understand my feelings now. True love is not always there. When you meet the person you like, you will know whether you are worth it for her. For me, the family has never been They are all bondage, and I am more yearning for the freedom of the soul.”

(End of this chapter)

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