Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 141 We Are All So Stupid

Chapter 141 We Are All So Stupid

Leng Lianyu couldn't find a reason to refuse his words, and sighed secretly.

"Good luck to you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the corner of the banquet.

Leng Xiuya looked at the back of Leng Lianyu leaving, he cherished it very much, for a family like theirs, it is precious to have such a sincere brotherhood!

But thinking of that poor woman, his heart ached even more, and he turned and left without hesitation.

Leng Tianao, who quietly watched the two people's every move from a distance, had a confident smile on his lips.

Leng Xiuya left, and Leng Lianyu had no intention of fighting for it, so the position in the family was taken for granted only by him, Leng Tianao!
Leng Xiuya rushed to the address found on Du Xinyan's mobile phone.

He came to a bar, under the dim light, filled with sad music, and there were all kinds of drunk people sitting in it.

Their sullen expressions reminded Leng Xiuya of Du Xinyan, so she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

But there are also some wicked people.

Leng Xiuya's appearance is very good, wherever she stops at will, she is always the focus of everyone's attention.

When he walked into the bar, he immediately attracted the attention of many people. Some women in wild and revealing clothes eagerly greeted him with wine glasses.

"Handsome man, are you alone?"


Although Leng Xiuya has a gentle and refined temperament, but he was born in a noble family, and in his bones, there is a violence that cannot be violated.

The woman's excited face, hearing his merciless indifference, instantly froze in embarrassment.

Finally, Huang Tian paid off, when Leng Xiuya had visited countless corners of the bar and was about to give up, Mu Ran caught a glimpse of the lonely figure of the beautiful woman.

With Du Xinyan's lonely back, she was sitting alone at the bar, drinking one cup after another.

"Heart smoke!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Du Xinyan turned her head drunkenly and looked at Leng Xiuya.

"How did you come!"

Leng Xiuya sat down beside her casually, without answering her question, and directly said to the waiter at the bar, "Have a drink like hers!"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Du Xinyan turned around and continued to drink the wine in her glass.

Leng Xiuya looked at her overdrinking, a little disliked, and reached out to snatch her glass.

"You're almost done, stop drinking!"

Du Xinyan looked at him, "Aren't you the same!"

"Heart smoke!"

"Xiu, I know you like me, but you also know that the person I like is not you, but Nie Chenyi. I know the pain very well, and I don't want you to suffer the same pain, do you understand?"

Maybe the effect of alcohol made Du Xinyan, who has always been strong, unknowingly say things that he would not be able to say even if he was beaten to death!
After hearing her words, Leng Xiuya revealed a slight sadness, held the glass, drank the wine in one gulp, and then turned to her and said, "I know, I am willing!"

"You." Seeing his serious expression, Du Xinyan burst into tears uncontrollably, "Why are you so stupid, I am so stupid, I really hope that I like you, so that I won't suffer so much!"

"Yeah, we're all so stupid," Leng Xiuya unknowingly drank a few glasses.

Regarding this matter, he has been entangled with why he hanged himself on a tree, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't come up with an explanation that could explain it.

Du Xinyan lay down on the bar directly, tears slid down her cheeks and dripped into her wine glass.

She held the wine glass, "People often say that being sad and tired is bitter. I really want to know if it is true!" She drank the wine glass.

(End of this chapter)

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