Chapter 148 Really Enviable
This was the first time she looked at the defenseless and relaxed Ling Junhan like this.

Taking a closer look, the sleeping Ling Junhan looked like a prince walking out of a painting. His perfect face was like a work that the artist had tried thousands of times before finally completing it, without any flaws.

As he fell asleep, his face lost the chilling smile of the past, and his eyes also lost the chill, becoming extremely quiet.

His eyelashes are long and his skin is fair, better than most women's skin.

Seeing this, Yunmo couldn't help being a little jealous. Why does a big man have such white skin? It's really enviable.

Unknowingly, Yun Mo overcame the fear of Ling Junhan, became bolder, lost the previous furtiveness, and became open and aboveboard observation.

After an unknown amount of time, Yunmo felt drowsy and fell asleep unknowingly.

Rong's mother, who had been worrying about Yunmo's hunger, waited for a long time, but she didn't see Yunmo waking up. She couldn't sit still, couldn't hold back her worries, and walked towards Yunmo's room with the porridge she had cooked.

With extra light steps, she cautiously pushed open Yunmo's door.

Everything that caught her eyes made her petrified instantly, her mouth opened slightly, her face full of disbelief!

how come?
She was even more surprised than seeing aliens flying to the earth. It was like two people who were still in love with each other one second, and they were talking hand in hand in the next second.

The relationship between Yun Mo and Ling Junhan was incompatible, Ling Junhan always refused to let Yun Mo touch him, but now he held Yun Mo in his arms.

And the other one, who didn't allow anyone to approach him, especially Ling Junhan, lay in his arms majestically and fell asleep.

If she hadn't witnessed this matter with her own eyes, even if she was killed, she would not believe it was true!
He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and when he was sure it was true, he carefully left the room with the porridge in his hand.

When Rong Ma walked in and opened the door, Ling Junhan was already awake!

The long-term vigilance prevents him from falling asleep and dying.

Otherwise, Ling Junhan would have died a thousand times already!
Opening his eyes and looking at Rong's mother who had already left, Ling Junhan turned his head and looked into his arms, with a cloud of little bird clinging to others.

Seeing her peaceful sleeping face, he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her lips lightly.

Feeling his strange behavior, Ling Junhan felt very strange in his heart, worried that Yunmo would wake up, put his head on his head with one hand, and started to be in a daze helplessly.

He had never enjoyed such a comfortable life.

In the past, he only knew how to work hard every day, and he never let down his vigilance for a moment.

He was going to trample all his enemies underfoot and become a man who was equal to that man, standing on a pyramid.

Because only in this way can we see his downcast appearance and hit him better.

For so many years, he thought so and did so.

Finally, he succeeded in driving that person out of City A, and he was alone in City A. He was chasing after the victory, but was stopped by his grandfather!
His grandfather told him that you have already succeeded. As for the other half, you have to wait until he is a hundred years old. After all, that person is his son. He can't watch his son and grandson kill each other and ignore it!
Hearing the inner voice of an old man, he agreed!

Promised that while his grandfather was in charge, he would never set foot in the capital, unless he provoked him, he would never do anything, but he never let up, he knew the strength of the capital, it was the center of a country The local economy is not something that city A can hire.

(End of this chapter)

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