Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 149 Eat noodles together

Chapter 149

Yun Mo opened her eyes and woke up, it was already late at night, and Ling Junhan had already left.

Seeing that she was left alone in the empty room again, this time, it was very strange that there was no trace of fear in her heart, but she felt hungry like never before.

She lifted the quilt, got out of bed, left the room, and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as he walked to the door of the kitchen, he saw a firm figure from his back. At the moment, the owner of this figure was busy in the kitchen, struggling with unfamiliar kitchen utensils, and dying.

Seeing him look a little clumsy and blunt, Yunmo curled her lips in disgust!

She always thought that Ling Junhan was omnipotent and could do nothing, but she didn't expect that she overestimated him, so it turned out that he couldn't.

Unknowingly, he was dreaming, gloating and opening his mouth.

She was suddenly taken aback by her thoughts, she dared to laugh at Ling Junhan.

After waking up, Yun Mo couldn't help but scan the kitchen, and found that she walked into Ling Junhan at her own risk, and laughed at him knowingly.

The most unacceptable thing for her was that she was in a daze under Ling Junhan's eyes, thinking wildly in her mind. This completely impossible thing happened like this unexpectedly!
Yun Mo realized that she was very mean, obviously he tortured her so much, she should hate him, but just now he treated her better, and she approached him in a desperate way.

Unexpectedly, the incident of moths flying into the flame would happen to her Yunmo one day.

In her imagination, she never thought that she and Ling Junhan could get along peacefully.

Thinking of this, Yun Mo hurriedly turned around and wanted to escape, she didn't want to do this, she didn't want to be severely insulted and abandoned by him after accepting Ling Junhan, she didn't want to be that self-respecting thing!

She had just picked up her steps, and before she could walk away, she heard a voice behind her.

"Come here, let's eat noodles together!"

When Yunmo heard the noodles in his mouth, her stomach let out a "cuckoo" in disbelief, which made her feel ashamed, and wished she could find a hole in the ground to go in. The sound of her stomach growling was really embarrassing!

The corner of Ling Junhan's mouth twitched unnaturally, walked to the dining table, put down the noodles in his hand, pulled away the stool, held the chopsticks, looked at the noodles in the bowl, frowned slightly, and stuffed a little bit of noodles in his mouth with the chopsticks , tasted it.

Yunmo, who had been singing empty city tricks in her stomach, could no longer maintain her restraint, and turned around helplessly and walked towards the dining table.

When she came to the dining table, she opened the stool and sat down. When her eyes touched the dark side of the bowl, she was shocked!

Swallowing in pain, she looked at Ling Junhan in astonishment, and saw that what was in his bowl was exactly the same as what was in the bowl, she was speechless, and suddenly lost her appetite!

Ling Junhan, who buried his head in his food, felt a pair of surprised gazes resting on him, unable to move away for a long time, he had to raise his head to meet the clear eyes.

He could clearly see the surprise in Yunmo's eyes.

Looking at Yun Mo who was so surprised, he looked a little unnatural, and said a little awkwardly.

"It's just filling your stomach, let's eat!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head again and struggled with the noodles in the bowl.

But as long as you look carefully, you will find that Ling Junhan is not eating noodles at all, but picking noodles, picking and picking from the bowl with a disgusted face, without taking a bite at all!
Yunmo rolled her eyes helplessly, and muttered to herself, "It's just filling my stomach, so why don't I see you eating!"

Naturally, she didn't have the guts to say this, so she could only murmur in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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