Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 162 I Don't Want To See That Woman Anymore

Chapter 162 I Don't Want To See That Woman Anymore
Leng Lianyu felt Jun Mowen's gaze, and frowned slightly.

He has always been aware of Yun Mo's situation, but Ling Junhan is a very strong opponent, if there is no one-size-fits-all plan, they, including Yun Mo, will be doomed.

Therefore, unless he is 100% sure of rescuing Yun Mo, otherwise, he cannot act rashly.

Besides, his second elder brother Leng Xiuya and Ling Junhan are well-known friends in the aristocratic circle.

"Look first!"

Jun Mowen nodded, touched Nie Shuiling's eyes that were full of love, retreated a few steps sinisterly, and said unbearably, "I have something to do, I have to take a step first!"

He really can't take it anymore, if he doesn't leave, he will go crazy!
Seeing this, Leng Lianyu also said to Nie Shuiling who was chasing after Jun Mowen and Yue Yingfeng who was jealous, "I have something to do too!"

Leave without looking back!

Nie Shuiling with an unfinished face and Yue Yingfeng with a slightly better complexion were left behind.

"Xiao Ling, they are all gone, let's go too!"

Nie Shuiling looked at him strangely, as if looking at an idiot, "If you want to go, go, my brother is still inside, I have never seen such a heartless person like you!"

With a "hum", he strode towards the main entrance of the coffee shop.

Just as everyone fell into the sorrow of Yunmo's life experience, one person's situation was indeed in extreme danger.

Through a series of investigations, Ling Junhan found out that Jing Yi's junior sister is Du Xinyan, and even learned about the relationship between Du Xinyan and Nie Chenyi.

The matter of Yunmo's rampage that day was investigated, and the truth was revealed.

Ling Junhan sat on the desk, looked at the document, and said without raising his head.

"I don't want to see that woman again!"

Artest nodded, understood what Ling Junhan meant, and left Ling Junhan's office without looking back.

Until Artest's back disappeared at the door, Ling Junhan raised his head after reading the document, and there was a flash of haze in his deep eyes.

Du Xinyan just got off work, walked to the parking garage, opened the car door, and before she could recover, she was forcibly carried by two men in black to another car.

A strange cold-faced man was waiting in the car, his eyes were full of anger and fierceness, making her feel cold from head to toe.

"What do you want to do?"

She looked at it, and asked pretending to be calm.

Artest didn't even turn his head, this woman was already doomed to be a dead person from the time Ling Shao said that he didn't want to see her, and it would be a waste to say one more word.

Seeing Artai's silence, Du Xinyan felt even more guilty, but her long-term experience told her not to startle the snake.

She looked at the men in black sitting on both sides, secretly planning, she had to find a chance to escape.

At the same time that Du Xinyan was being taken away, Leng Xiuya appeared in the underground garage. Seeing her car door open, her car keys dropped on the ground, but the person was nowhere to be seen, he felt anxious and hurriedly calmed down his worries. Heart, walked towards the monitoring room.

After checking all the monitors, I didn't watch a car coming in and out during this period of time, and I suddenly had a clue in my heart. It seemed that I was a master criminal, and I was used to such things.

He thought of his previous experience in finding Du Xinyan by relying on Du Xinyan's CPS positioning, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone, watching the signal heading towards the suburbs.

Leng Xiuya drove in this direction without hesitation, he couldn't believe what happened to Du Xinyan.

He also couldn't imagine how such a quiet woman could offend his enemies, but these are not his main worries now, the most important thing at present is to find Du Xinyan.

(End of this chapter)

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