Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 163 Not Everyone Can Change

Chapter 163 Not Everyone Can Change

Leng Xiuya kept accelerating, her whole heart had never lost an inch like this.

Du Xinyan was taken by Artest to an abandoned factory building. He still remembered that this factory building was taken by Miss Yun when he was young, but he didn't expect it to be useful so soon.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing the car getting more and more remote, she became more and more flustered, especially when she saw Artest's expressionless face.

Seeing her being so wordy, Artest turned his head to look at her reluctantly.

"Miss Du, I advise you to be quiet, this will make you die faster!"

He is not a gangster, and he has no perverted hobbies. He brought her here, and he didn't intend to kill her. He just wanted to leave her here to fend for herself.

The people Young Master Ling doesn't want to see don't need them to do anything, and she can't survive herself!

"You," seeing his words, Nie Chenyi's face flashed in Du Xinyan's mind, but she quickly denied it. He must be worrying about Yunmo at the moment, how could he think of her, naturally he would not find her not there.

I wanted to say something, but was stopped by the ridiculous thought in my mind, "Will Leng Xiuya come to save her?"

When she fell into fear and daydreams were flying, Artest had already ordered two men in black to get out of the car with Du Xinyan.

One of them held a transparent syringe in his hand, and the transparent liquid inside exuded a strange aura.

Du Xinyan could no longer calm down and tried to break free.

"What the hell are you doing, do you know that this is breaking the law!"

The man in black showed his white teeth to her, and the teeth exuded a cold aura, which made Du Xinyan feel chilly.

"Miss Du, don't make things difficult for us, we are just following orders!"

After finishing speaking, one of the big men ignored the fear in Du Xinyan's eyes and his trembling body, took a syringe, and inserted it towards Du Xinyan's neck.

Du Xinyan thought she was doomed, facing such a strong and dark man, she didn't even know how she died.

She closed her eyes resignedly.

Just when Du Xinyan resigned to his fate, an emergency braking sound broke all the balance, and everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned.

They acted strangely, and it was impossible for them to be followed, so this person now?

Artest, who sat in the car and watched them closely, heard the sound of brakes, a trace of surprise flashed in his cold eyes, opened the car door, got out of the car, and came in front of Du Xinyan.

Leng Xiuya couldn't wait to open the car door and rushed towards the three of them.

Looking at Artest, Leng Xiuya understood everything,

"Master Leng, why are you here?"

Then he looked at Du Xinyan who was behind them with a face of despair. His pale face had already lost all color, and his eyes could not hide the fear. When he saw something else, the flash of emotion in his eyes turned into fear.

Leng Xiuya instantly understood that Du Xinyan felt a little uncomfortable about her misunderstanding.

"What are you doing?"

Artai saw all of Leng Xiuya's emotions in his eyes, and when he saw the pain in his eyes when he was facing Du Xinyan, he turned his head slightly, glanced at Du Xinyan, and frowned a little difficultly.

It seems that it is a bit troublesome to complete Ling Shao's explanation today!

"Young Master Leng, why do you want to interfere? You know that I dare not disobey Young Master Ling's order!"

Hearing Young Master Ling mentioned by Artest, Du Xinyan suddenly understood that he was not arrested for no reason, there was a reason!
Yunmo, because of her impulsiveness that day, almost killed Yunmo, and Ling Junhan was notoriously protecting his weaknesses.

(End of this chapter)

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