Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 165 I Don't Believe You Dare

Chapter 165 I Don't Believe You Dare

Seeing that Ling Junhan was ignoring him, Leng Xiuya directly directed the target towards Du Xinyan who was silent at the side.

Know his usual style.

"Du Xinyan, right!"

Du Xinyan raised her head and took a look, not understanding why he asked the question knowingly.

"Do you know why I want to deal with you?"

"I know, Yunmo, right?"

Du Xinyan said.

Ling Junhan likes to deal with smart people, so he raised his eyebrows, "Yes, all, I can't let you go, the reason why I let them bring you here today is for the sake of Leng Xiuya, but it's only once, next time You won't be so lucky next time!"

"Jun Han!"

Even though he knew Ling Junhan very well, Leng Xiuya didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Ling Junhan's gourd!

Ling Junhan was indifferent to Leng Xiuya's reminder.

On the other hand, Du Xinyan frowned slightly, and asked after a while, "Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple, finish what you haven't done before!"

Ling Junhan said without leaving any room.

Du Xinyan lowered her head slightly, deep in thought.

Seeing her deep in thought, Ling Junhan had an unusually bright smile on his lips.

"You can also choose to have someone else take your place!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Du Xinyan's firm refusal.

Regarding her categorical determination, the two men stared at her in surprise at the same time.

Sensing the gaze of the two, Du Xinyan turned his head away a little uncomfortable, "What I know, I don't need others to bear it!"

"But when he interrupted Artest just now, I had already made up my mind!"

"You," Du Xinyan was extremely angry at Ling Junhan's back-and-forth, "Ling Junhan, you devil, what exactly do you want?"

Leng Xiuya changed his previous croaking, and his tacit understanding with Ling Junhan for many years told him that Ling Junhan had planned to let Du Xinyan go, and he was obviously trying to test Du Xinyan at this moment.

Gratefully looking at Ling Junhan, he added fuel to the fire and said, "Ling Junhan, I, Leng Xiuya, misjudged the person and didn't recognize you as a wolf-hearted person!"

As soon as the words "wolf nature and dog lungs" came out, Ling Junhan's icy face twitched invisible, and he gave Leng Xiuya a bitter look.

Leng Xiuya dared to take this opportunity to scold him, he will feel better later!
It's a pity that Du Xinyan, who was in a tense state, didn't notice the two of them working together, and still thought that Ling Junhan would replace her with Leng Xiuya.

Perhaps it was because Ling Junhan's reputation in Du Xinyan's heart was so bad that a smart person like Du Xinyan didn't even notice such an obvious thing.

The words "wolf heart and dog lung" seriously irritated Ling Junhan. Seeing this, Ling Junhan was no longer wordy.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk nonsense, Artest!"

As soon as his words fell, Artest immediately stepped back and walked in. When he came in, he had an extra box in his hand.

Seeing Ling Junhan's angry look, Du Xinyan became a little anxious, but she pretended to be calm and said.

"He's your brother, I don't believe you dare!"

Ling Junhan's anger at this time is not feigned, but because of being refined by Leng Xiu!



After Artest finished speaking, he waved behind him, and the three of them walked towards Leng Xiuya first.

Seeing this, Du Xinyan couldn't calm down anymore, she got up again and stopped in front of Leng Xiuya, "Ling Junhan, I was wrong, I can apologize to Yunmo, what are you going to do to let him go."

Hearing a stubborn woman like Du Xinyan apologize in a low voice, Leng Xiuya, who was watching her behind her, looked at her with excited eyes, without blinking.

(End of this chapter)

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