Chapter 166

His heart was full of being moved by Du Xinyan, he didn't know how this woman treated their feelings.

After she was caught by Artest, she kept her proud heart and never begged for mercy. Now that she heard that he was going to be punished by Ling Junhan, she put down all her dignity, threw down her face, and begged Ling Junhan.

What kind of person is this woman?
As arrogant and rude as she is on the surface, but still as hot as her heart!
Ling Junhan was also taken aback for a moment, thinking of the four words Leng Xiuya scolded him earlier, he immediately came to pay attention.

"You care about him so much, so it's possible that you like him!"

Du Xinyan looked at Artest who was approaching step by step, and had already lost his usual vigilance, "Yes, I like him, so..."

Before she finished speaking, Leng Xiuya quickly turned her body around and kissed her hard.

Seeing this Mu, Artest and the others, who had been putting on airs, immediately froze in place, turned around and looked at Ling Junhan innocently in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Ling Junhan looked like he was enjoying the show, and he didn't realize that it was wrong for him to do so!
Artest sighed helplessly. At this moment, Young Master Ling seemed to have returned to the ignorant boy who thought he was not driven by hatred, happy and carefree!
He remembered.

Ling Shao, before his mother's death, was a man who valued brotherhood and brotherhood, had a humorous personality, loved pranks, was informal in doing things, romantic, and free-spirited.

But all of this changed after his mother died. He became gloomy and indifferent, cruel and vicious, a person who would do anything to achieve his goals!
Finally, Ling Junhan seemed to have found his conscience. He discovered the difficulty of Artest and the others, and got up and walked out the door first.

Artest and the others also wanted to be relieved, they breathed a sigh of relief, silently followed behind him, and walked out of the room.

Ling Junhan didn't know why, seeing Du Xinyan's whole heart for Leng Xiuya, a stubborn face kept flashing in his mind, he couldn't help but have daydreams.

If it were Yun Mo and him, would Yun Mo do this for him?
he does not know!

Thinking like this, he unconsciously had the desire to return to the Lingyuan, this was the first time he wished so much to return to the Lingyuan and see Yunmo soon.

He opened the car door, quickly sat on the driver's seat, and unknowingly accelerated under his feet!


Because Yunmo rejected Nie Chenyi, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It is said that when people are in a bad mood, eating is the best way to calm down!

When she got home, she asked Forbe to make her some of her usual favorite food.

Uncle Fu felt sorry for Yunmo, and he did a lot out of control as soon as he did it!
Looking at the table full of things, Yun Mo instantly felt the hunger he had never felt before, and couldn't help swallowing, and said to Uncle Fu.

"Thank you Faber!"

After speaking, I couldn't wait to lie down at the table and eat.

Rong Ma looked at the rare and lively Yun Mo, who was even cuter today than in the past, and couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Mo is really a hungry ghost!"

"Hey, Mama Rong, how about some more!"

As Yunmo said, she handed a chicken leg to Rong's mother.

Rong's mother smiled and shook her head, "Rong's mother is old, and she will feel uncomfortable if she eats too much, you should eat it!"

"That's right, Xiaomo, your mother can't eat and drink like you do!"

Uncle Forbe was rarely happy to chime in.

"Oh, then I'm sorry!"

It was the first time for Yunmo to feel that food is such a precious and delicious thing. After eating, it is rare for her mind to be empty. She doesn't think about anything, and forgets all the troubles!

(End of this chapter)

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