Chapter 179

Yunmo, who was beaten to pieces by Jun Mowen, wanted to tear his mouth apart.

He stared resentfully for a long time before he uttered a few words, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

The two who were bickering and motivating, did not know that they were already being missed.

As soon as Yun Mo finished speaking, she heard Pei Mengrao's surprised voice coming from behind her.

"Miss, hello, I can ask you something!"

Hearing this, Yunmo turned around in a daze, and looked at Pei Meng, only to see that her eyes were full of abnormal longing when she looked at him.

To use a discordant metaphor, it's like a wolf seeing its food, its eyes shine!

Yun Mo flinched in fear.

When Pei Meng looked at Yun Mo's eyes, Jun Mo Wen also noticed the abnormality, got up and came to Yun Mo's side, looking at her suspiciously.

"Photographer Pei, what's the matter with you, looking at Xiao Momo with such eyes, she is timid and will be scared!"

At this moment, Pei Meng had already forgotten about the bet between her and Nie Shuiling, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to Yunmo.

Yunmo has known Jun Mowen for so long, only these few words sound human.

But she didn't dare to say that, especially at the moment when Jun Mowen helped her out.

This kind of self-digging is not in Yunmo's nature!
Pei Meng ignored the unfriendliness in Jun Mowen's tone, regained consciousness, and returned to her previous indifference, but a pair of eyes betrayed her.

"Mo Wen, your desire to protect is really strong, but don't get me wrong, I just want to borrow her for you to take a set of life, because I found that she has this kind of temperament!"

Jun Mo Wen listened to her words, turned his gaze to Yun Mo, and asked Yun Mo for his opinion.

Yunmo looked at Nie Shuiling who was standing behind Pei Meng and kept making eye contact with her, and nodded resignedly, "Okay!"

"Thank you!" Pei Meng nodded gratefully, and then said to the makeup artist at the side, "Tell me about makeup!"

Hearing that he was going to do makeup with Yun Mo, Jun Mowen immediately became interested, and an inexplicable thought flashed in his mind, if Yun Mo also came to be a star, he would not be so boring!

After making up his mind, his gaze involuntarily moved to Yunmo.

Yun Mo, who was being led towards the dressing cabinet, felt a chill down her back for no reason, and looked back uncomfortably, but found nothing, so she sat down uncomfortably.

Little did they know, at this moment she was already being missed!
Nie Shuiling also followed Yunmo to her side, "Yunmo, thank you!"

Yunmo looked at her helplessly, "I'm not going to be an example, I just hope that I won't cause any harm to her!"

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Pei Meng also walked towards them, came behind Yunmo, watched the makeup artist make up Yunmo, and said a few words from time to time.

Waiting until Yunmo's makeup was finished, I couldn't wait to push Yunmo to the photography exhibition.

Faced with so many lights, Yun Mo felt a little uncomfortable and looked very cramped.

Pei dreamed of this, knowing that she was not used to it, but in order for her to show her most natural temperament as much as possible.

He couldn't help but turned his head and shouted at Jun Mo who was about to remove his makeup.

"Mo Wen, can I ask you for a favor?"

Jun Mowen's eyes lingered on her and Yunmo, Mu Ran thought of Yunmo's previous illness, and nodded resolutely, taking pictures with Yunmo is really a good proposal, he likes it very much!
"I'm very happy, but I want more ambiguous shots!"


Nie Shuiling on the side was very unhappy when he heard it, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jun Mowen's "shh" gesture!

(End of this chapter)

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