Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 180 I Think You Should Rest

Chapter 180 I Think You Should Rest
Nie Shuiling was originally a photographer, so she was more sensitive to other people's emotions than ordinary people.

She had already noticed Yunmo's crampedness and anxiety, and she also thought of Yunmo's previous situation. She has only started to improve now, so she naturally doesn't like what happens to Yunmo.

It was also because of this that she silenced her voice in time.

Because of Jun Mowen's joining, Yun Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves were slowly loosening.

God knows how scared she was just now, those lights made her blindfolded, and her whole body felt creepy, as if she had no privacy at all, and was being slaughtered by others on the chopping board.

Jun Mowen is an actor, so he can naturally notice Yunmo's discomfort and feel Yunmo's resistance. He knows her situation, even though he said so, but when filming, although his movements are intimate, they are very restrained.

The appearance of Jun Mowen slowly allowed Yunmo to recover himself.

Pei Meng also started the first step of filming.

Seeing Yunmo, she felt that way, but no matter how she took the picture, it was still not perfect.

She is a perfectionist, and she never allows imperfect things to appear under her lens.

But when her camera was on Yunmo, all the things she didn't want to face happened happened.

That feeling became more and more outrageous as the shots were taken, and the feeling became stronger and stronger, but the feeling of wanting to catch the camera became more and more confused. At the end of the shooting, my mind gradually became afraid.

She is not reconciled!

I don't know how long it took to shoot, Yunmo felt that her expression was a little stiff, but Jun Mowen was always in high spirits, and Nie Shuiling who was watching was both happy and sad!
The happy thing is that Pei Meng is as she expected, and the sad thing is that Jun Mo Wen, who originally screamed for half an hour of filming, this time he filmed for a full three hours without a single cry.

Although Jun Mowen was intoxicated, he was stupid. He also discovered Pei Meng's mind that was close to madness, and he tightened Yunmo uneasily.

He knew Yun Mo's complex temperament very well, and he was surprised for the first time.

This complex temperament has a fatal sense of lens for photographers, but also a fatal sense of crisis.

That is obsession!
"Photographer Pei, can we take a break?"

"I'll be fine soon, wait a minute!"

Finally, when Jun Mowen heard her for the tenth time, he pulled Yunmo out of the photography exhibition in an outburst.

"Photographer Pei, I think you should rest!"

Only then did Pei Meng suddenly realize, but the desire to take pictures tossed her all the time, devoured her heart, and made her sleepless.

Although Yunmo was tired, when she saw Pei Meng's distraught expression, she knew that her nightmare was happening again, and she felt very guilty, so even if she felt uncomfortable, she persisted.

Seeing the tired faces of Yun Mo and Jun Mo Wen, Pei Meng knew that she had acted too hastily, "Okay, you guys rest first, we will continue later!"

After speaking, he looked down at the camera again.

Yun Mo was taken to the rest area by Jun Mowen.

Fortunately, she was often dragged by Ling Junhan to participate in various banquets in the past, and she was comfortable with high heels without any discomfort.

Otherwise, she still doesn't know what to do today?
"Girl, are you okay!"

Seeing her frowning in pain, Jun Mowen asked in a rare and soft tone.

Yun Mo shook her head lightly, "It's okay, I just feel that being a star is also very hard work!"

Listening to her joking voice, Jun Mowen let go of his worried heart, knowing that she was fine, and blamed himself in his heart, that woman is really sick!
(End of this chapter)

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