Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 189 Don't Play Charades

Chapter 189 Don't Play Charades
Seeing Yunmo's hesitant expression, Ling Junhan immediately grabbed her and hugged her onto his lap, "It's okay if you don't want to agree!"

"No, I promise!"

She knows that there is a gradual cycle in everything, and one should not be too impatient. As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient.

Her imagination was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. From the moment she decided to be Ling Junhan's woman, she was doomed to never enjoy freedom.

Seeing that she is so straightforward, Ling Junhan doesn't know what she is thinking, it's just that Yunmo is too tender!

After negotiating the conditions, Yun Mo struggled to jump out of Ling Junhan's arms, quickly disappeared before Ling Junhan's eyes, ran back to her room, sent out a copy of her resume on the Internet, and went downstairs contentedly, waiting Someone else's recruiting call.

This trick was something she heard them say by chance when she was in Qifeng!

Didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

She went downstairs again, Ling Junhan left in a hurry after receiving a call from Leng Xiuya.

"Yunmo, I'm going out for a while, I'll be back soon, don't run around, you know!"

Yunmo nodded, she is his canary, where can she go!
Ling Junhan came to Meizhu, the place agreed with Leng Xiuya, as promised. As soon as he walked into Meizhu, he saw Jun Mowen sitting inside with a sullen face.

Seeing Jun Mowen, Ling Junhan frowned slightly, but he didn't show any expression, and turned to look at Leng Xiuya.

"The person you said wants to see me is Mo Wen!"

Leng Xiuya nodded, "Yes, this matter is related to him after all, so I think we should share the same hatred!"

"That's right, someone from Jun's family was also involved in this matter, how can I sit idly by," Jun Mo asked directly ignoring the nominal father and using Jun's family to take care of it.

Ling Junhan sat down, poured himself a glass of wine, and shook it in his hand, "Indeed, but speaking of it, that member of the Jun family is probably still kept in the dark, and he doesn't know that he is the one who was cultivated. Self-righteous thinking that he is very cunning!"

"What do you mean?"

Jun Mo asked, he didn't understand Ling Junhan's sarcasm. Although he also hated that person, he would never allow others to insult the Jun family and his grandfather!

"Don't ask, don't worry, wait for Jun Han to finish speaking!"

Leng Xiuya hastily stopped her.

Ling Junhan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, "Good wine, but unfortunately the age is too young and the taste is not very strong!"

His words are undoubtedly satirizing Jun Mo Wen for being too young!
Jun Mowen just wanted to take action, but Leng Xiuya made a look at him. He knew that Ling Junhan's bad temper had come up again.

"Jun Han, don't make riddles, just tell me!"

"I think you should know that Jun Tairan is going to use his daughter Jun Moyou as a tool for marriage, and use this to tease Leng Tianao, then the next thing is the key point."

"I heard that Jun Moyou has always liked a brat named Leng Xiuya, but it's a pity that the concubine has intentions and is ruthless!" Ling Junhan took the opportunity to attack Leng Xiuya, and after admiring Leng Xiuya's ashen face, he returned to the topic contentedly, This is also to retaliate against Leng Xiuya who went to his company today to nag about his fate.

Leng Xiuya chose to ignore him directly!
"Jun Tairan doesn't know, and it's the most important point. I have a cousin, Ling Jueche, who has a soft spot for Jun Moyou. His actions not only offended Ling Jueche, but also deliberately challenged him. Speaking of the relationship between Leng Tianao and Ling Jueche, they both know it well, but Jun Tairan doesn't know, and he doesn't know what kind of relationship Leng Tianao and Ling Jueche are, so he dared to make this move, he had to Said he was very courageous!"

(End of this chapter)

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