Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 190 I understand very well

Chapter 190 I understand very well
Hearing what he said, Jun Mowen didn't need to think about what kind of wishful thinking his father was planning. He must be self-righteous and able to control the two of them and use them for his own use.

Just imagine how a realistic person like Leng Tianao could offend Ling Jueche for a woman, not to mention that Leng Tianao and Ling Junche also have a powerful common enemy Ling Junhan.

The enmity between the three can be said to be irreconcilable, and it has long been a well-known problem in the business world.

Even if they are enemies, they are friends before common interests. This is the case with Leng Tianao and Ling Jueche. Compared with his father's little Maoli, the threat to the family only comes from their profits, but the Leng Killer in front of him Ling Junhan's threat directly affects their lives for the rest of their lives, how can they not understand which is more important.

Jun Mowen closed his eyes in pain. The reason why he chose to show his face in public was because he didn't want to join the family battle, and that kind of battle made him bored.

It is also because of this that his grandfather chose to support him unconditionally in order to protect him!

However, some things are not as good as the sky, no matter how much he tries to avoid, he still can't avoid it!
"What are your plans?"

Leng Xiuya has always worn a pair of pants with Ling Junhan. They regard Ling Junhan as an enemy, so naturally they will not let Leng Xiuya go. He understands this, and Ling Junhan and Leng Xiuya understand it even more.

Leng Xiuya glanced at Ling Junhan, who was acting as if nothing had happened, and said, "The best thing is to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and wait until they are fighting to the death, before sitting on the fisherman!"

Just when Jun Mowen was disappointed, Leng Xiuya said again, "But because the object is Ling Junhan, what this kid likes most is to have fun or to join in the fun, he likes to take the initiative and doesn't like passive people, so the situation will be more serious , but it is also an opportunity, you must know that risks and opportunities coexist!"

It has to be said that Leng Xiuya really knew Ling Junhan the best, and she spoke Ling Junhan's heartfelt words.

This made Jun Mowen let go of the heart he had just raised.

He understands very well that danger and opportunity coexist, and perhaps he can prevent the Jun family from being in a desperate situation!

"You have to think about it, once you enter this battle, your peaceful days may be declared over!"

Ling Junhan said in a timely manner.

He understands Jun Mowen's complex psychology at the moment, just like he did back then, everything was fine at first, and he thought his mother was simply seriously ill, but he didn't know that all of this was designed by someone with a heart!
That escape still has lingering fears in his heart. He still remembers that the bullet was less than a millimeter away from his heart. If it weren't for his life, his heart was a little different from others'. It's scary that Ling Junhan would no longer be there!
This is another reason to fuel his resentment towards his father.

He just watched his son being chased and killed without doing anything!
Jun Mowen's peach blossom eyes have never been solemn. He is very grateful for Ling Junhan's reminder, "I know what you mean, but there are some things that I shouldn't run away from. It's time to face reality!"

"Don't ask, that person is your father, you must stand on our side, you know, if you do this, you may bear the reputation of being unfilial, and even your career..."

"Second brother!"

Before Leng Xiuya finished speaking, Jun Mowen interrupted, "I understand my choice very well!"

(End of this chapter)

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