Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 191 What Is Jing Yi Doing Recently

Chapter 191 What Is Jing Yi Doing Recently

He also understood his own position, he could only break his promise regarding Leng Lianyu's matter, but this did not mean that he was on Ling Junhan's side.

Ling Junhan made a casual move, he didn't point Nie Chenyi at him because of Yunmo, he did not hesitate to cooperate with Leng Aotian and the two together.

He intends to make this his secret weapon!

"Me too!"

Leng Xiuya agrees.

After Ling Junhan left Lingyuan, Yunmo locked herself in the room.

I haven't seen Jing Yi for a long time, she wants to see her.

He took out the phone and called Jing Yi, the phone rang for a long time, but still no one answered, feeling a little uneasy.

Is something wrong with Jing Yimo?

A little anxious, he thought of Du Xinyan, and then dialed Du Xinyan's number.

The phone rang a few times and was picked up, and soon Du Xinyan's voice came, "Yunmo!"

"Xinyan, you know what Jing Yi has been doing recently. I have something to do with her, but I can't get in touch!" Yun Mo said.

Speaking of Jing Yi, Du Xinyan thought of her experience of being kidnapped by Ling Junhan, and she guessed that Jing Yi might as well!

"Where are you?"

"Ling Yuan!"

"I'll pick you up!" After Du Xinyan finished speaking, she hurriedly hung up the phone.

Yun Mo heard the "beep" sound from the phone, and looked at the phone for a long time, but she still hasn't recovered from Du Xinyan's eagerness.

Du Xinyan's eagerness proved her suspicion. If her suspicion is correct, this matter must have something to do with Ling Junhan!

Yunmo felt very complicated and guilty, all because of her.

She stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, trying not to make a sound, thinking that Du Xinyan was coming to pick her up, quickly took her bag, and slipped out of the Ling courtyard without making a sound.

She walked out of Lingyuan and kept walking along the road ahead, not far away, she saw Du Xinyan rushing over.



Yun Mo opened the car door without hesitation, sat in the passenger seat, and looked at Du Xinyan's heavy face.

"Jing Yi's disappearance is related to Ling Junhan!"

Du Xinyan lowered her eyes, and then looked straight ahead. Although she knew that Yunmo was also a victim of the whole incident, she still couldn't control her heart and couldn't help resenting Yunmo.

"do not you know!"

For Du Xinyan's unkindness, Yunmo affirmed her words!

"Then you definitely don't know, I was also kidnapped by Ling Junhan two days ago, I almost died in Huangquan!"


Du Xinyan's words startled Yunmo, her face was full of disbelief, "How could it be?"

Seeing Yun Mo's undisguised surprise, Du Xinyan sneered, "You really don't know, Yun Mo, you are so pitiful, living like a princess, living in a magnificent palace, but not having the life of a princess!"

Although she was the cause of this incident, she couldn't do it without resenting Yunmo or blaming Yunmo at all.

If Leng Xiuya hadn't appeared in time that day, she wouldn't know what she would be like now. The medicine in the syringe went down and there was only one result waiting for her, and that was death!

People are like this, when you face a strong enemy, you dare not complain, dare not hate, but when you meet someone around him who is full of apologies to you, you can't help but feel resentful!

Du Xinyan was like this, she promised Leng Xiuya not to tell anyone about Ling Junhan's kidnapping of her.

Although she still has conflicts with Leng Xiuya, she will never break her promise!

Hearing her sarcasm, Yun Mo was not displeased at all, because what Du Xinyan said was right, she is now a canary imprisoned, in the eyes of outsiders, she wants to do everything possible to be rich, but , all the sufferings are only known to her!
(End of this chapter)

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