Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 202 You Like Ling Junhan

Chapter 202 You Like Ling Junhan

Jing Yi's death made Yunmo feel the impermanence of life. She had only met Jing Yi a few times, but she still had lingering fears.

When Yunmo returned home, Ling Junhan happened to be away. She was a little depressed and wanted to chat with someone.

I can't help but think of Yang Xiaodie, she is older than me and knows more than me!
Taking out the phone, he found out Yang Xiaodie's phone, took a deep breath, and then pressed the dial button.

The phone rang a few times before being picked up.


"Sister Yang, do you have time now?"

Hearing Yun Mo's depressed voice, Yang Xiaodie froze for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, let's meet at the coffee shop downstairs of the company!"

"it is good!"

This time, Yunmo didn't call Uncle Li, she slipped out of Lingyuan silently with her bag alone, took a taxi, and headed towards the coffee shop!

When she arrived, Yang Xiaodie was already waiting inside, watching her and beckoning to her.

"Sister Yang, I'm sorry to bother you so late!"

Yun Mo said apologetically.

"Okay, don't bother me, don't do this to me, why, the voice is so depressed!"

Yang Xiaodie spoke of her angrily.

Yunmo sighed deeply, and asked for a cup of coffee, but she dared not sleep, nor did she want to sleep.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "I saw the heart doctor who treated me today, and she died!"

Yang Xiaodie, who was holding a coffee cup to drink coffee, paused unconsciously, put it down before drinking, looked at Yunmo, "You suspect Ling Junhan!"

Yun Mo showed a bitter smile. In fact, this matter was obvious, but she couldn't help but speak for Ling Junhan in front of Du Xinyan.

"It's not doubt, but just, based on my understanding of Ling Junhan in the past ten years, Ling Junhan will not kill Jing Yi with his own hands, but his ability makes life more painful than death. Wasn't I a living Liezi before!"

Yang Xiaodie didn't know what to say. After all, she didn't know Ling Junhan. Ling Junhan was so out of reach for her. Even though she was the Minister of Commerce, she still didn't even have the chance to have a meeting with him in the conference room. No.

Seeing her in such pain and melancholy, Yang Xiaodie saw something else in Yunmo's eyes, and that thing was called love.

"Xiaomo, you're in love with Ling Junhan!"

"How is it possible..." Before she could refute, seeing the affirmation in Yang Xiaodie's eyes, she suddenly thought of the fear she had when she was in front of Du Xinyan, deeply afraid that Ling Junhan would be misunderstood.

She sat there discouraged, with a look of despair that couldn't be concealed on her face, how could it be?
Her complexion is the best proof, Yang Xiaodie knew she didn't need to say anything, Yun Mo was emotional for Ling Junhan.

"Ling Junhan is a dangerous person. Once you fall in love with him, you know what the consequences will be. His body will be smashed to pieces, and his women are too numerous to count!"

"Sister Yang!"

"Xiao Mo, he is not suitable for you, but Nie Chenyi is suitable for you. There are two of them, one in daytime and the other in black clothes. Your original life is so dark. Don't tell me you never want to see the sun in your life. It's not too late now, there's still time to get out! "

Yang Xiaodie knew how fragile Yun Mo was, and she didn't want Yun Mo to have an indelible wound on Yun Mo's scarred heart.

How hurtful love is, no one knows better than her!

Everything about her is a living Liezi, and she doesn't want Yunmo to repeat the same mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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