Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 203 I'm All Right

Chapter 203 I'm All Right


Speaking of leaving Ling Junhan, Yunmo suddenly felt reluctant, she hesitated!

Ling Junhan has only just begun to treat her well, she...


"Sister Yang, I want to be quiet, okay?"

Afraid of Yang Xiaodie's words, Yun Mo hurried out of the coffee shop with her bag in hand.

Looking at Yun Mo's running back, she closed her eyes, Yun Mo has fallen in love with Ling Junhan, no matter how she refuses to admit it, or how she avoids it, it is an inescapable fact!
Yun Mo escaped from the coffee shop, a little dazed, and suddenly, she felt that the fact that she fell in love with Ling Junhan terrified her more than Jing Yi's death.

Didn't she always protect her heart well? When was it stolen? She was so careful!

The sudden reality made him a little unacceptable. She always reminded herself that she was Ling Junhan's mistress, but she still couldn't resist his temptation to her!
She was walking on the road in a daze, seeing couples of loving couples passing by her, she was very envious!

Unknowingly, she walked downstairs to Qifeng, just when she secretly wondered why she came here.

A familiar car passed by her, she could see it clearly, through the dim light, she vaguely saw a woman sitting in the car, the two were talking and laughing.

Yunmo stayed where she was, what's going on?

I can't recover for a long time, can't I!

Ling Junhan received a call from Mr. Ling, that is, his grandfather, and Ling Kangcheng. Ling Kangcheng told her that he had a granddaughter of a comrade-in-arms who came to City A and asked him to treat him graciously. He never thought that this granddaughter would go wrong. Dream.

I was very upset, but he had promised his grandfather before, forcing him to carry Pei Meng.

Yunmo's confused heart became very depressed, she hurriedly took a taxi back to Lingyuan, wanting to prove that she was wrong.

When she got home, she didn't see Ling Junhan, and she became a little upset.

Rong Ma looked at Yun Mo back and forth, looking impatient, and asked worriedly, "Xiao Mo, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, I, I'm fine, Rong Ma, don't you rest yet!"

Yun Mo said in a secretive way.

Rong's mother smiled and shook her head, "I'm getting old, and I feel less sleepy, Xiaomo, I'm afraid Mr. won't be back tonight, you should go to bed early!"

Finally heard the fact she was most afraid of, "Did he call back?"


Rong's mother looked at her worriedly.

Yun Mo couldn't believe it, and took a staggering step back.


"Mother Rong, I'm fine, please don't tell your husband about this!" After Yun Mo finished speaking, she fled back to the room in a panic.

She just discovered the fact that she fell in love with him, and she was driven into the bottom of the valley!
Yun Mo didn't sleep all night, she was lying on the bed, closing her eyes was full of Jing Yi's pale face, talking and laughing with Ling Junhan and Pei Meng.

I can't help but think wildly in my mind, he and she are doing what they did with her now, and if you want to pamper her, you must pamper Pei Meng!
She was completely caught in the fear of her own fantasy. The previous experience of depression told her that she couldn't do this. She lifted the quilt, put on her pajamas, rushed to the bathroom, turned on the tap, soaked herself in the cold water, and sat in the cold water all the time. .

Trying to use cold water to drive away the random thoughts in her mind, after experiencing Nie Chenyi's first love, she knew the previous relationship between men and women from a girl who was ignorant of feelings before.

She felt that the feeling for Ling Junhan this time was not the same as the longing for Nie Chenyi before!

(End of this chapter)

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