Chapter 204 You Are Back
Yunmo managed to survive until dawn, she hurriedly put on her clothes, and ran downstairs in a hurry, waiting for Ling Junhan to come back.

Although she doesn't have a mirror, she can also believe what she looks like?

Miserable, lonely, resentful, just like a bitter woman, a bitter woman waiting for her husband to come back.

No, she wasn't even a jousting woman, at least she could be regarded as his wife, but she was just a shameless woman!

Ling Junhan was pestered by this woman Pei Meng all night. God knows how disgusting he is. He stayed up most of the night and asked him to drink with her. , to drive him crazy!

He returned to Lingyuan with the smell of alcohol all over his body, and when he walked in, he saw him sitting on the sofa, with two panda eyes and pale clouds on his face.

"You're back!"

Seeing him, Yunmo jumped up from the sofa and came to his side.

Ling Junhan nodded, because he was afraid of the smell of alcohol on his body, he couldn't help taking a step back to avoid her touch.

Yunmo raised her hand in the air in embarrassment.

"I'm going to change clothes first!"

Ling Junhan didn't pay attention to Yunmo's expression, just because he was afraid that he would smell of alcohol on her.

Yun Mo withdrew her hand helplessly, and looked at his back in a hurry. She not only smelled wine on him just now, but also smelled a scent of perfume. She was very familiar with this scent of perfume, which was unique to Pei Meng. of!
Ling Junhan's action that he thought was protecting Yunmo happened to hurt her, making her mistakenly think that it was covering up something!
Yun Mo's face was a bit ugly, she stood there not knowing how to make the next move, she was indescribably lonely and depressed.

Her clear eyes were replaced by sadness. She didn't know when, she was very afraid of Ling Junhan's rejection, and she was even more afraid of Ling Junhan's disgusted expression.

She ran upstairs in a hurry, changed into a set of clothes that she liked to wear in a hurry, changed, and left Lingyuan in a hurry.

After Ling Junhan took a shower, changed his clothes and went downstairs, Yun Mo had disappeared into the hall, he was a little surprised.

"Mother Rong, where is Yunmo!"

Rong's mother, who was preparing breakfast for the two of them, heard Ling Junhan's voice, came out of the kitchen, looked at the empty hall, but did not find Yunmo, "They were still there just now, they must have gone out!"


Ling Junhan turned around and walked upstairs, opened Yunmo's room, saw no one, and didn't pay much attention to the mess in Yunmo's bathroom.

Close the door and walk towards his room, retrieve the mobile phone he left on the bed, find out Yunmo's phone, and press the dial button!

Yun Mo, who was running away desperately, heard a harmonious ringtone coming from the bag, and knew that it was Ling Junhan calling, so she quickened her pace, she didn't want to answer it, and she didn't want to listen!

The phone rang for a long time, but was still not picked up. Ling Junhan felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't think too much about it. He probably had something to do when he was out!
Putting on the briefcase, I left Lingyuan before I had time to eat breakfast, and headed towards Qifeng!
Yun Mo kept running forward, her tears were blown away by the wind along the corners of her eyes, scattered in the wind, turned into steam and evaporated, until her body's load was exceeded, she staggered and fell to her knees on the ground!

The messy hair that could not be dealt with in the future, the flushed cheeks from running, the tears that hadn't dried up at the corners of the eyes, and the whole person lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, unable to move for a long time!

Fear, fear occupied her heart, making her miserable!

(End of this chapter)

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