Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 206 How She Fell Asleep With A Man

Chapter 206 How Did She Fall Asleep With A Man

Nie Chenyi suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and smiled unnaturally, "Then let's find a place and have a good sleep!"

"it is good!"

Yunmo has always had a soft spot for windows, this time she is determined!
She chose the position by the window, sat on the armchair, adjusted the armchair to a more comfortable position, and then closed her eyes without telling the truth!
Seeing how sleepy she was, Nie Chenyi also imitated her movements, leveled the armchair, lay down on the armchair, closed his eyes, and fell asleep!

At this moment, I don't know if it's God's intentional trick, or Yunmo's life is too hard!

Pei Meng took advantage of Mr. Ling's majesty to force Ling Junhan to come with her to this unusual place. It was originally out of ulterior motives.

Last night, she originally wanted to get Ling Junhan drunk, but she didn't expect that stealing a chicken would not pay off and put herself down, but she didn't care. Born in a family like theirs, love has always been taboo, and she knew very well that she wanted to marry Ling Junhan!
This is the only way to get everything!
I believe Ling Junhan is the same, otherwise he wouldn't cooperate like this!

The two came to the observation tower and happened to pass by the place where Yunmo and Nie Chenyi were sleeping. Because of the lights and windows, they looked as if they were hugging each other in their sleeping positions.

Pei Meng was the first to see, and when he saw the two of them, he deliberately made an exaggerated expression.

"Ah, Han, look, isn't that your little girlfriend, why is she sleeping with a man, so many people are not ashamed!"

Ling Junhan also happened to see the two of them, and his fiery eyes heard Pei Meng's exaggerated and embellished words.

He instantly understood the reason why she disappeared in such a hurry this morning without saying hello, that she came here to meet her lover!
Good you Yunmo, originally I wanted to treat you sincerely, but you pretended to flatter me!
Ling Junhan turned and left the observation tower without interest.

With such a harvest, Pei Meng naturally had no interest in admiring the glory, and followed Ling Junhan with a gloating expression!

Ling Junhan walked into Charm in a bad mood, and drank a few glasses of wine, which once again showed Pei Meng an opportunity!

"Han, is it worth it for you to be angry for such a woman!"

"Go away!"

Pei Meng took a deep breath, and took the cup in his hand nonchalantly, "If you want to drink, I'll accompany you. Although I know that you won't like me right now, I will wait patiently for you!"

"Are you so confident that I will like you?" Ling Junhan's deep eyes were filled with darkness, how could he not know the purpose of his grandfather's arrangement.

He promised him and owed him a condition, and he will pay him back this time, but if he wants to make decisions about his marriage, no one else can except him!

"Not bad, I think I'm not bad!"

While Pei Meng was speaking, her hands slid restlessly on Ling Junhan's body!

Ling Junhan may be under the influence of alcohol and anger, or to keep his grandfather's promise, he is not tempted to ask Pei Meng!

When Yun Mo woke up and opened her eyes, she saw Nie Chenyi who was beside her sleeping soundly, and saw the flashing stars in the sky, she suddenly became interested!
Standing up gently, looking up at the unreachable but radiant starlight, a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!
Nie Chenyi opened his eyes and looked at the empty space beside him, and there was no trace of the beautiful woman. He felt anxious and hurriedly got up to look around.

Just when he was feeling down, he saw Yun Mo was sitting in the dining room, eating like a famine, eating very rudely, although the way he ate was not very elegant, but it was indeed very cute.

It seems that this girl is really hungry!

(End of this chapter)

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