Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 207 Don't be too whimsical

Chapter 207 Don't be too whimsical
Yunmo looked at Nie Chenyi who was walking towards her from a distance, swallowed the food in his mouth hastily, put the unfinished food in a bowl in a hurry, and wiped the grease from his hands with a towel.

"you're awake!"

"Well, when I woke up, I suddenly found that you were no longer there, and I was abandoned in the past, but I didn't expect to catch a snack here!"

Nie Chenyi jokingly said.

Hearing this, Yun Mo was a little embarrassed, and she was helpless, okay, she slept soundly, but was woken up by hunger, after waking up, she was temporarily attracted by the beautiful scenery, and wanted to wait for him to come, but after all, she couldn't resist the protest of her stomach.

"I'm sorry, Brother Nie, I wanted to wait for you too, but my stomach is full of empty plans, I can't help it!"

"You, you have no appetite when you are eating, and you will be hungry when you fall asleep. Eating irregularly like this is not good for your health, you know?"

"Well, I understand!" Yunmo nodded receptively, then grabbed the unfinished chicken drumsticks with her hands again, and compared to Nie Chenyi, "Do you want to eat?"

Seeing the flickering banter in her clear eyes, Nie Chenyi was also rarely interested, so he took the chicken leg from her hand, chewed it in her mouth under her astonished gaze, and nodded contentedly, " good smell!"

The dazed Yunmo also came back to her senses, thinking of which chicken leg she had eaten before, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed!
"Brother Nie!"

"What's wrong!"

"It's okay, let's eat!"

Yunmo buried her head on the chicken leg in her hand again, but this time she ate it like chewing wax.

For some reason, since she had intimate contact with Ling Junhan, she couldn't stand the intimacy with others except Ling Junhan.

"By the way, Xiaomo, I heard that you resigned from Qifeng, what are your plans!"

Seeing Yunmo lowering his head and frowning in thought, Nie Chenyi asked.

Yunmo swallowed, raised her head, her clear eyes were free from impurities, "I plan to go outside to find a simple job first, so that I can support myself while cultivating life experience!"

"It's that simple, I remember Xiaomo is smart!"

"Brother Nie, please don't tease me, my three-legged cat's kung fu is almost enough to deceive myself, how can I accomplish anything big?"

She has been hit by Ling Junhan for a long time.

How could she start thinking about Ling Junhan again? Thinking of this, her originally radiant eyes instantly dimmed a lot. In order not to let Nie Chenyi see what was on her mind, she lowered her head again, facing the delicacies on the table.

Although Yunmo concealed it well, Nie Chenyi still found that the sadness in her eyes was probably because of Ling Junhan!

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen her for a few months, Ling Junhan's movements are really fast!
In the charm, Ling Junhan threw away Pei Meng who was leaning on his shoulder like throwing out trash, and Pei Meng who killed people with his invisible and vitriolic blows was covered in bruises.

"Okay, now I can finally deal with the old man!"

In order to recover, Pei Meng looked in disbelief and looked at Ling Junhan with disgust. Her self-esteem was hit hard, "Ling Junhan, what do you mean?"

Ling Junhan's deep eyes were full of undisguised disgust and disgust. He looked down at Pei Meng with a wounded face. The wound on her face was not fake!

"Didn't you always want to sleep with me? I have never been interested in women who come to my door automatically. If it weren't for fulfilling my promise to the old man, seeing your disgusting appearance, do you really think I would sleep with you, woman? , don't be too whimsical!"

(End of this chapter)

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