Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 210 Xiaomo fell asleep

Chapter 210 Xiaomo fell asleep

Nie Chenyi drove up to her and stopped in front of her. After taking a closer look, he realized that she was dozing off. It was a bit funny!
Did he keep her waiting long?

Open the car door, come and squat down in front of her, carefully carry her to the passenger seat, fasten her seat belt lightly, and then get in the car and start driving!
He drives very carefully and tries to avoid those vibrating seat belts. He really likes that this road can be farther, so far that it will never end!

Yunmo, who was asleep, was cunning in not waking up, but she added a cuteness and cuteness.

He glanced at the sleeping Yunmo, and called Leng Lianyu, "Yu, Xiaomo is asleep, I'll take her home first, and I won't come to Haitian for now!"


Leng Lianyu hung up the phone, her indifferent face showed no expression, but there was some disappointment in her eyes!

As soon as Nie Chenyi walked out of Lingyuan, he ran past Ling Junhan.

Ling Junhan didn't drive his car today, but sat in Artai's car. When he saw Nie Chenyi's car appearing in Lingyuan, doubts flashed through his deep eyes, and he looked at Nie Chenyi's car through the car window. go.

Through the car window, he saw the kind of person that made him think about it day and night. She was sleeping happily in Nie Chenyi's car at the moment.

Seeing Yunmo, Ling Junhan was very angry, and the hand holding the document unconsciously clenched into a fist and made a "cackling" sound!
He thought that she would miss him and call him after he had been away for so long, but he was wrong. For a month, his phone never rang.

But it turned out that his departure was exactly what she wanted, and he gave her time to date!
During this period of time, because of Pei Meng's matter, the previous plan was triggered in advance, and he dealt with Leng Xiuya day and night; Leng Tianao, but she lived so carefree!

Feeling Ling Junhan's anger, Artest sighed slightly, but didn't speak!
How could he not understand Ling Shao by his side, how strong Ling Junhan was, his fragility was never easily revealed in front of others, even if it was piercing pain, he would not even frown.

But now, for the sake of love, he can't bear it anymore, one can imagine how angry he must be!
Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauties, this is an unchanging truth since ancient times, it seems that Ling Shao can't escape the trap of beauties, but he doesn't understand, since he loves so much, why should he be tortured so much.

Since he left for a month, he held the phone every day with longing eyes, but he never made a phone call!
Nie Chenyi took Yunmo home, Yunmo fell asleep a bit, and even Nie Chenyi carried her down from the car, but he didn't wake her up.

Looking at Yun Mo who was sleeping soundly, Nie Chenyi couldn't help but put a feathery kiss on her lips, then carefully closed the door, and made some delicious food for her himself, he was worried that she would be hungry when she woke up!
Yun Mo opened her eyes and woke up, looking at the strange yet familiar scene in front of her, she was almost scared to death.

how come?Didn't she just take a nap on the stairs, why did she run to Nie Chenyi's bed all of a sudden!

It's impossible for her to sleep so dead, she doesn't even know when people move her!
Yunmo stretched out her hand to support her forehead with a headache. She can sleep like this every day. How sleepy is she?
Finally, there was a loud noise from her stomach, which brought her back to reality from her dreamy fantasy. She resigned to her fate and pulled off the quilt, and got out of bed barefoot!

(End of this chapter)

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