Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 211 There is still in the pot

Chapter 211 There is still in the pot
Yunmo opened the door, and saw Nie Chenyi in a white shirt, holding a bun in his hand, sitting peacefully on the sofa.

The golden sun shines on him, he doesn't seem to be like other people's fireworks, he is beautiful, as if he is like a person from a painting, so beautiful, but so unreal!

For a moment, Yunmo couldn't help but stare dumbfounded!
Yang Xiaodie is right, Nie Chenyi is indeed the sun, and he is very beautiful!

Nie Chenyi felt a familiar and fiery gaze on him, he didn't need to look to know that Yunmo had woken up!

Seeing that she hadn't looked away for a long time, she put down the newspaper with some restraint, turned her head to look at Yunmo, and patted the sofa beside her, "Wake up, come here!"

Facing Nie Chenyi's affectionate eyes, Yun Mo was always a little unnatural, but she still obediently walked towards him!
"Brother Nie, I fell asleep, why don't you call me!"

Nie Chenyi pursed his lips and smiled lightly, "I can't bear to see you sleeping so soundly, you must be hungry!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hold Yunmo, and walked towards the restaurant.

Yunmo is very familiar with this house, it is not the first time she has come here, it is still the same as before, unknowingly, unknowingly she has known Nie Chenyi for almost a year, this year's life is worse than her ten years Wonderful!
She loves it!

Nie Chenyi turned around and walked into the kitchen, and came out again, holding a milky white transparent white porcelain bowl in his hand, which looked like a luminous cup, so transparent and bright, filled with porridge, thick white porridge, dotted with some minced meat and preserved eggs, This is her favorite porridge with preserved egg and lean pork.

A fresh scent of preserved egg and lean meat porridge came to the nose, Yunmo couldn't help swallowing, stretched out her clove tongue and licked her lips, feeling impatient!
Nie Chenyi watched, shook his head with a broken smile, "Greedy girl, can't wait!" He put it in front of her thoughtfully, and said dotingly.


I can't help but lie down on the table and start eating and drinking. If it wasn't for keeping the reservedness of a girl, she would have jumped on it the moment Nie Chenyi brought it out. Waiting for so long is already her limit. .

Alas, these days, it's really not easy to eat delicious food!
"Eat slowly, there is still in the pot!"

Seeing her impatient look, Nie Chenyi couldn't help reminding her.

Yun Mo ate the porridge in the bowl upside down, and only had time to raise his head. His clear eyes were still clear and free of impurities, but at this moment, there was a hint of pleading.

"I still want it!"

Seeing her pitiful look, Nie Chenyi turned around again to fill a bowl. He was very happy to see her eating so contentedly!
After two bowls of porridge, Yunmo had time to think about other things. Seeing that Nie Chenyi had been watching her eat, he helped her serve it up after eating, but he didn't move, "Brother Nie, aren't you hungry? You don't want to eat at all!"

"I've eaten before, so I don't feel hungry, do you still want to eat!"

Yunmo looked at her bulging stomach, and shook her head shyly, "I'm full, thank you!"

"I said before, you don't need to say thank you to Brother Nie!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Brother Nie, I probably wouldn't have known I had been sold out!"

"If you don't tell me, I forgot to ask you, why do you sleep there!"

Speaking of this, Yunmo couldn't help crying, and said aggrievedly, "Mother Rong, she kicked me out when she saw me staying at home all day. I thought, you are all so busy, it seems that only Leng Lianyu is fine. so……"

(End of this chapter)

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