Chapter 212

After listening to Yun Mo's explanation, Nie Chenyi felt relieved, and smiled secretly. It turned out that he didn't care so much about Xiao Mo calling Leng Lianyu, but not calling him!

"So I wanted to look for him, but I didn't expect to hear that I was there. I was very embarrassed for a while, so I wanted to hang up the phone!"

Listening to Nie Chenyi's narration, Yunmo couldn't hold her head up. She had to say that Nie Chenyi read her mind completely like he could read minds!

Yunmo nodded with nowhere to hide.

"Yeah, originally I wanted to find Leng Lianyu, who told him to be so idle!"

Nie Chenyi was amused by Yunmo's reason, and stretched out his hand to kiss his head, "You, don't bother him in the future, I'm free too!"

Hearing his words, Yunmo reluctantly nodded.

But she couldn't help but lament in her heart, what she was most afraid of was facing Nie Chenyi alone.

Why didn't I see Nie Shuiling after sitting for so long.

"Brother Nie, why haven't you seen Shui Ling, where is she?"

When mentioning his baby sister, Nie Chenyi felt a little helpless, "She said that she fell in love with someone recently, so that's why!"

"Ah, I see, she went to ask Mo Wen!"

Yun Mo suddenly realized, she didn't expect this girl to really make up her mind, but she didn't know how Mo Wen treated her!
"you know!"

"Well, last time she specially pulled me to be a back-up, saying that I was about to ask!"

"There is such a thing, this girl is spoiled to the point of lawlessness!"

Seeing that Nie Chenyi was a little angry, Yunmo hurriedly explained, "Actually, I'm fine, it's just Shui Ling. I don't know if I have caught up with Mo Wen now!"

"Don't mess around with Shui Ling next time, you know?"

In fact, both of them guessed wrong.

At this moment, Nie Shuiling was invited by Jia Qingwen to many places, which was also the place where the two met for the first time.

In order to find out Nie Shuiling's identity, Jia Qingwen cooperates with Pei Meng and betrays Yunmo's trace.

The reason why Pei Meng led Ling Junhan to the observation tower behind Yunmo and the others was because of Jia Qingwen's friend Luo Siwei!

He was born to be a paparazzi, followed Yunmo all the way, and even checked everything about Yunmo to the bottom. Of course, all of this was instructed by Pei Meng.

The current Yunmo has no idea!

Nie Shuiling saw Jia Qingwen's unconcealable excitement, red eyes, eager to rush towards her, shrank her neck timidly, although she Nie Shuiling was not afraid of anything, but facing a woman, With such an ambiguous expression, it would be a lie to say that he is not guilty!

Finally, after Jia Qingwen's face spun [-] times in Nie Shuiling's mind, Nie Shuiling recognized Jia Qingwen.

"You belong to Yunmo, Senior Sister!"

Jia Qingwen was stunned for a moment, and nodded gratefully, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to have such a good memory. I only saw it once, and you remembered it!"

As for Nie Shuiling's life experience, she has already found out. It is her lost sister, Jia Xiaoxiao. She has not seen her for many years. She looks so elegant. She is very excited at this moment. For so many years, she always thought that she would never have another chance Find her, but God is sorry.

When she and Yunmo met Nie Shuiling that time, she was careful, she never expected to be hit by her!

Nie Shuiling was a little baffled by her praise, and she couldn't help thinking that this man was sick, so she reluctantly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

After all, the visitor is Yunmo's friend. Although she is outrageous, she must not be rude!

"What do you find me for?"

(End of this chapter)

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