Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 227 Xiao Mo, Dad Was Wrong

Chapter 227 Xiao Mo, Dad Was Wrong

The dilapidated house fell into chaos, Yun Tianxiang took the opportunity to sneak into the dilapidated house, because of his age, his movements seemed a little slow!
He quickly climbed up to the second floor, and as soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Pei Mengna pointing at Yunmo who was walking towards the stairs.


Yunmo heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, looked up at the source of the sound, and saw a black shadow flashing in front of her eyes, with a "bang", the sound of a bullet caught in the meat.

Yun Tianxiang stood in front of her, and the moment the bullet hit his body, bright red blood flew onto Yun Mo's face instantly, and the originally fair and beautiful face became very alluring!

Yun Mo's eyes widened, and she looked at Yun Tianxiang who was standing in front of her in disbelief and was slowly falling down!

"how come?"

After she regained her senses, she stretched out her hand to help Yun Tianxiang up, knelt down on the ground, held Yun Tianxiang in her arms, and couldn't say a word for a long time. At this moment, in her mind, shock had long been replaced by There was a brief loss of voice.

Tears flowed out of my eyes disobediently, but I couldn't say a word!

Holding his last breath, Yun Tianxiang looked at Yunmo, who had made a slip of the tongue, and saw that she was crying non-stop, and her hands were firmly plugging his wound!

He slowly stretched out his hand to grab her hand, his eyes were peaceful, without the wasted and madness of the past, there was a hint of loneliness in the depths of his eyes, which was left by the mother who left her!
"Xiaomo, Dad is wrong!"

Yunmo wanted to speak, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't say a word, and could only shake her head desperately!

"Don't be sad, I can go see your mother!"

As soon as Yun Tianxiang finished speaking, he fell asleep forever.

She doesn't want it, she just met her father, and it's the first time her father called her, talked to her for the first time, she doesn't want it!
Yun Mo stubbornly supported Yun Tianxiang, and walked towards the stairs step by step!
Because Yun Tianxiang's impact on her was so great that she was not alert at all, and did not notice Pei Meng who was slowly approaching her behind her, with a ferocious smile on her face.

When Yunmo reached the stairs, she yelled, "Yunmo, go to hell!"


Yun Mo and Yun Tianxiang, whom she was supporting, were pushed down the stairs by Pei Meng, and the two of them rolled down the stairs like rubber balls!



The voices of Ling Junhan and Jun Mowen rang out in the broken house at the same time!
Ling Junhan wanted to save Yunmo, but it was too late, he jumped directly from the second floor to the second floor, wanting to catch Yunmo first!
He just stretched out his hands, but Yunmo consciously avoided him!

At this moment, Yunmo felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen. The pain was so overwhelming that she felt as if she was pulling her soul out of her body. Seeing Ling Junhan's worried and flustered face, she felt that he was hypocritical, so she stretched out her hand and pushed him away without thinking. The whole person fell directly on the ground!

As soon as she landed, she felt something flow out of her body. When she looked down, her trousers were already wet with bright red blood. She didn't know what was going on, she only knew that she was in pain, but these pains were not as important as her father Yun Tianxiang!

She hurriedly turned around to look at Yun Tianxiang who rolled down with her, but at this moment Yun Tianxiang was already out of breath!

Yunmo yelled, but couldn't resist the heart-piercing pain from her abdomen, and passed out!
The blatant hatred in Yunmo's clear eyes made Ling Junhan stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses after a moment of shock. He hurriedly hugged Yunmo and ran towards the hospital
(End of this chapter)

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