Chapter 228 The child is gone

Artest opened the car door for Ling Junhan first, Ling Junhan hugged Yunmo from beginning to end, holding her tightly in his arms.

Seeing the blood oozing out of her body, staining his clothes all red, he was very flustered, as if someone important had left him!
"hurry up!"

"Yes!" Seeing Ling Junhan like this, Artest stepped on the accelerator again and drove the car to the fastest speed.

Along the way, on a rampage, Artest had the consciousness to risk his life completely, and he almost collided with the car several times. If it wasn't for his driving skills, I'm afraid, he would have caused a series of car accidents by now!

Artest drove the car to Hongye Hospital which was the nearest to them. Luo Zairong, the dean here, because he had betrayed Yunmo's stay in the hospital to Nie Chenyi before, Ling Junhan completely replaced him in a fit of anger!
At this moment, when Qu was entering the water in Hongye Hospital, his people saw Ling Junhan coming, and rushed out of the hospital to greet him!

Ling Junhan's whole body was dyed red, and he looked extremely miserable, "Hurry up and save her!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Yunmo's situation, Qu Jinshui became a little more aware, and hurriedly pushed Yunmo towards the obstetrics and gynecology department!

Yun Mo was pushed into the operating room, and Ling Junhan had been waiting outside. His expensive clothes had been stained red with blood, and now as the blood dried up, the clothes became a little less soft than before.

But he doesn't care about these, he only cares about Yunmo who is lying in the operating room now, as long as she is fine, he doesn't care what happens!
Artest looked at Ling Junhan like this, this was the first time he saw that man who looked like a king so haggard and at a loss, he could do anything in the mall, even facing the enemy without blinking his eyelids, But facing his injured woman, he was as helpless as a helpless child!

The door of the operating room was opened!
A doctor in a white coat came out from inside.

When she looked at Ling Junhan, she was obviously a little timid, but in order to save Yunmo, she didn't speak!
"Young Master Ling!"

Looking at the doctor who came out of the operating room, Ling Junhan lost his mind and rushed forward, holding on to the doctor tightly, "How is Yunmo?"

"Miss Yun has been pregnant for a month, but because of this injury, the child is gone!"

"What? Pregnant?"

Ling Junhan staggered back a step, why didn't he know anything!
What the hell has he done this month!
"Save her!"

"En," explained the situation, and the doctor turned around and walked into the operating room again.

Ling Junhan couldn't bear the sudden blow, and fell down on the chair outside the operating room in a daze.

What he is thinking now is how to explain to Yunmo that the child does not exist, or that Yunmo himself does not know that there is a child, recalling that when Yunmo fell down the stairs and met him, the desperate and resentful look in his eyes made him I will never forget it in this lifetime!
Yun Tianxiang is dead, and the child is gone. He remembered that what Yunmo cared about most was her father. Now, what she cared about the most is no more. He couldn't imagine how desperate Yunmo was after waking up!
God, this is punishing him!
If possible, he hoped that he would bear all of this. Yunmo had never done anything, so he shouldn't bear such a heavy punishment!

After answering the phone, Artest came to Ling Junhan's side. Seeing him in pain, he sighed heavily. He didn't know how to tell him that Ling Qiufeng came here!

(End of this chapter)

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