Chapter 229 You Bastard
After hesitating again and again, Artest decided to speak!
"Young Master Ling, the old man has come from the capital!"

When Ling Junhan raised his head again, his deep eyes were full of remorse, he lost his previous radiance, and became very silent. He looked at the operating room in bewilderment, and saw that the light was still on.

"I see, show me that woman, and no one is allowed to touch her!"

Ling Junhan's words made Ah Tai a little creepy. Ling Junhan never dealt with someone personally. This was the first time. He didn't know what kind of means Ling Junhan would use to deal with Pei Meng, but he knew that Pei Meng was already dead. If the old man came to ask for someone, I'm afraid Young Master Ling wouldn't give him face!


Just as Artest turned to leave, Jun Mowen and Leng Lianyu, who were taking care of Yun Tianxiang's funeral, suddenly appeared.

The two hurried over, seeing Ling Junhan's blood all over his body, they were a little scared!
Leng Lianyu came directly to Ling Junhan's side, reached out and lifted Ling Junhan's collar, "What happened to her?"

He has always been so careful to guard, no matter when and where, this time he thought that she was uncomfortable with Nie Chenyi again, so he let her out of his sight, just for a while, unexpectedly Yunmo came out like this thing!

Ling Junhan stared at him lifelessly with deep eyes, and stretched out his hand feebly to push Leng Lianyu away, "Can you control it!"

"You bastard, bang", Leng Lianyu couldn't control herself anymore, and gave Ling Junhan a heavy blow!
Ling Junhan fell limply to the ground, with a blush from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care, "She is my woman, I can do whatever I want?"


Leng Lianyu still wanted to beat him up, but was stopped by Jun Mowen.

With a pair of peach blossom eyes full of coldness, he held Leng Lianyu's hand with one hand, and said mercilessly, "Yu, don't waste your energy, hitting him is taking advantage of him, can't you see that he is provoking you?" , He wants to use your punishment to him to alleviate his guilt, the more he is like this, the less he can be allowed to succeed, let him be tortured by his own guilt, it is better to live than to die!"

Jun Mowen's words successfully brought Leng Lianyu back to his senses and stepped into madness.

Leng Lianyu stopped in time and looked at Ling Junhan indifferently!
"Mo Wen is right, hitting you is an insult to Yunmo, Ling Junhan, let me see how you explain to Yunmo!"

Ling Junhan got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his embarrassed expression had long since lost the domineeringness of the past.

At this moment, he is no longer the tall and creepy Ling Junhan, but a poor parasite, he doesn't know how to face Yunmo.

While the three of them were waiting nervously, the wait in the operating room went out, and Yun Mo was pushed out!
The three of them were shocked, and their nerves immediately tensed up!

Yunmo lying on the operating room, the blood on Yunmo's face has been washed, she is like a lifeless ceramic doll at this moment, her fair and rosy skin has become paler than paper, as if touched Just break!
Seeing Yun Mo being pushed out, Jun Mowen couldn't bear his temper anymore, and stretched out his hand to grab the doctor.

"What happened to her?"

Qu Jinshui looked at Ling Junhan at the side, and saw that Ling Junhan's eyes were fixed on Yunmo without blinking, as if he didn't hear Jun Mowen's words!
Seeing that he didn't show any expression, Qu Jinshui was considered a knowledgeable person. He knew that Mo Wen was not only a simple celebrity, but also had a simple identity, which was also a role he couldn't afford to mess with!
(End of this chapter)

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