Chapter 231 The Hurtful Truth

Ling Junhan retreated to the wall in disbelief. Could it be that everything he has done for so long is all for the sake of a tiger!

No, he couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe that his mother would be such a person!

"I do not believe!"

Ling Qiufeng looked at Ling Junhan's unacceptable eyes, not disbelief, overnight, that original handsome face was covered with wrinkles.

It is rare for a serious face to show a touch of sadness. This is the first time Ling Junhan has seen such a Ling Qiufeng. The stubborn and never-knowing father in his heart will have such an expression at any time!
"The main reason for this matter is me. If I didn't love Yunmo's mother back then, maybe your mother wouldn't be jealous, but all this is beyond my expectation!"

"I met Qingyue at a reception. At that time, she was wearing a white dress, and the ease and elegance she showed while talking and laughing deeply attracted me, making me chase after her desperately. It was also at that time I know your mother, Lu Yun, she and Qingyue are good sisters, they grew up together, and they are inseparable!"

"I did not hesitate to get close to her on purpose in order to pursue Qingyue, but I misunderstood her and made her do everything in order to marry me. I didn't know until later that when I fell in love with Qingyue, Qingyue was already in love with Yun Tianxiang. It's just that Lu Yun never told me that she kept hiding the news just to get close to me!"

"I, Ling Qiufeng, was smart all my life, but I was carried into Lu Yun's hands. I didn't realize that all of this was calculated until I got you with her and she found my father and forced me to marry her!"

"Even, in order to get married with her, she hurt Yun Tianxiang and Qingyue's first child, and the child died before it was born. Qingyue found out about her plot, and Yun Tianxiang and Yun Tianxiang ran away on purpose, but they still didn't able to escape."

"Just before Qingyue gave birth to Yunmo, she found Qingyue and bought the doctor at the time, causing Qingyue to bleed to death. After I found out, I was very angry and I killed her, but She is the mother of my only child, I can't let you grow up without a mother, so I keep her!"

"But I don't want to, she transferred all her hatred to you to make you hate me so much, Junhan, you don't have to believe what I said today, but I still want to let Yunmo go, that child she is innocent!"

"For so many years, in order to prevent you from venting your anger towards me on her, I tried my best to ignore her, but now, she has been injured by you and only has half her life left. Their only child was buried in your hands!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Qiu left the spot without looking back, his old back disappeared at the end of the corridor with a lonely look!
Ling Junhan stood there blankly, like a statue, without breathing or life!
The deep eyes are full of remorse and self-blame, what has he done all these years?
While the two were talking, they didn't notice a petite figure appearing behind the door at all.

Yun Mo's face was reddened, and her clear eyes were full of hatred. It turned out that this was the truth of the matter!

From the moment she woke up, she knew that her father died for her, and her child was gone. She deliberately pretended not to know anything, because she had nothing to ask for in this world. She was going to end her life but was with her. Her parents and her children were united, but just when she wanted to escape, she heard it unexpectedly!

(End of this chapter)

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