Chapter 232 Please save me

Yun Mo tightly covered her mouth with her hands, fearing that she would cry and Ling Junhan would find out!
She ran back to the ward scrambling along the way, closed the door with a "bang", locked the lock with her backhand, and then slipped down on the ground desperately, wanted to cry but couldn't cry, tears kept flowing out of her eyes!

She finally understood how painful his father was, and finally understood why his father made a living by gambling all day long, and even confused herself with alcohol!
That's because he knew the enemy who killed his wife, but he couldn't avenge him. That kind of despair made him give up on himself!
Yunmo crawled to the bed, picked up her mobile phone, and remembered what Nie Chenyi told her before, whenever she needed him, he would appear by her side, she wanted to escape Ling Junhan's clutches, and she wanted to avenge her parents !
She dug out Nie Chenyi's phone number!

As soon as the phone rang, someone picked it up, and Nie Chenyi's urgent worry came from inside!
"Xiaomo, where are you, is there any accident!"

Hearing Nie Chenyi's words, she couldn't help crying anymore, "Brother Nie, help me, please help me!"

Hearing Yunmo's pleading voice, Nie Chenyi's heart felt as if someone had been torn apart, "Xiaomo, where are you, I'm coming here now, don't cry, wait for me!"

After Yun Mo gave the address, she stayed in the ward in fear, looking nervously at the locked door, fearing that Ling Junhan would break in and take her away!

Until Nie Chenyi's voice came from the door, Yun Mo hurriedly got up, but because of squatting for too long, her feet went numb, and she rushed forward uncontrollably, her forehead hit the door, and blood flowed immediately, but her first The response is still open!
When Nie Chenyi opened the door and saw her, his first reaction was to stay where he was, heartbroken, and he had only left him for less than two days, how could he be hurt like this!

"Brother Nie!"

Yun Mo lay in Nie Chenyi's arms as if she had found her relatives, and cried loudly. Mu Ran thought of something and hurriedly raised her head.

"Brother Nie, take me away, take me out of here, please!"

"it is good!"

Nie Chenyi's tears welled up in his eyes, what a strong person Yun Mo is, why is he being tortured like this by Ling Junhan now!

He carried Yunmo out of the room without any hesitation, trying to avoid the cameras along the way, he knew that if Yunmo disappeared, Ling Junhan would definitely look for Yunmo.

Seeing Yun Mo hiding in his arms, looking overly frightened, he carefully guarded her in his arms!
He secretly swore in his heart that this time, he would never let Ling Junhan hurt Yunmo any more!

Ling Junhan stood there until the doctor found that Yunmo was gone and found him, and Ling Junhan recovered a little bit of sanity from the previous astonishment!

The doctor who reached out and grabbed it to tell him didn't feel that the strength of his hand would hurt anyone!
"What did you say?"

Li Qian looked at Ling Junhan, who was full of violence, and suddenly felt guilty. This person disappeared under his nose, what is going on now!
"Miss Yun, she, she disappeared!"


Ling Junhan's first reaction was to let go of Li Qian, and quickly ran towards the ward, but as expected, the beauty had already disappeared inside.

Everything inside is the same as when he left, everything in Yunmo is there, that man!

The fear he had never felt before, he didn't know if it was because he understood the truth, or because he was about to lose Yunmo completely!
Thinking of losing Yunmo, Ling Junhan's heart felt as if someone had stabbed him with a knife, the pain was so painful that he couldn't help himself!
(End of this chapter)

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