Chapter 233

Under Ling Junhan's eyelids, Yunmo suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if he was looking for traces of this matter, and Ling Junhan was terrified by such fear.

He changed from his usual calm and wise mind, and he looked like he went crazy. He searched the entire city of A, but he never found a trace of the beautiful woman!

Leng Xiuya and Dongfang Yuan finally couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out!

It was the first time for the two of them to enter Lingyuan, and they wanted to come here before, but Ling Junhan never allowed it, fearing that they would frighten Yunmo.

This time, Yun Mo's disappearance made Ling Junhan, who had always been omnipotent, feel an unprecedented setback!
Leng Xiuya walked into the Lingyuan. This Lingyuan, which had been well protected by Ling Junhan, did not expect to be so towering, but he still felt uncomfortable!
The people living here are all virtuous, stubborn, pedantic, stubborn and typical of Ling's character!

Dongfang Yuan was rarely in a cheerful spirit, listening to Leng Xiuya's random thoughts, he raised his foot and kicked him on the ass unceremoniously!

But Leng Xiuya didn't say that he could kick anything he could!

"You're not curious!"

"So what, now that person looks like he's going to die, you still have the nerve to appreciate it here, I really don't know what your heart is doing!"

After hearing Dongfang Yuan's words, Leng Xiuya unceremoniously rolled his eyes at him, "Don't talk about how noble you are, you are not a good person either!"

The two thought that Yun Mo was just throwing a temper tantrum and would come back naturally when he got better. They thought it was Ling Junhan who made a fuss over a molehill, so they didn't take it to heart at all!

The two of them didn't take Yunmo's disappearance seriously at all!

Although they have only met Yun Mo a few times, Yun Mo's little girl's personality is exactly the same as Ling Junhan's. She has a stubborn personality that can't be penetrated by a diamond, but she is soft but not hard!

As long as you treat her a little bit better and soften your heart immediately, no matter how you treat her, she can ignore the past.

Isn't it the best Liezi for Ling Junhan!

Speaking of that girl, the two of them couldn't help but have a layer of admiration in their eyes. I am afraid that only Yun Mo in this world can stand Ling Junhan!
Anyone else would have been tortured to death long ago!

The two walked into the Lingyuan all the way, and the moment they opened the door, a strong smell of alcohol came to their nostrils, mixed with a strong smell of tobacco.

The two covered their noses in disgust.

Especially Leng Xiuya, who did not know when to take out a handkerchief from his bag to cover his mouth and nose. He always remembered Du Xinyan's instructions, stay away from nicotine, and cherish life!

Being disgusted by Dongfang Yuan at the side, he cast a glance at him!
"No promise!"

After finishing speaking, he swaggered up to him and saw that he was sitting on the ground, leaning on the sofa with messy clothes, Ling Junhan changed from his usual radiance and became decadent.

"Ling Junhan, look, you're promising!"

Although the two of them were messing around when they were messing around, they were unambiguous in their actions!
Leng Xiuya smiled bitterly after listening to Dongfang Yuan's words. This person, when talking about others, was unequivocal, but it was different when it came to him.

Isn't it because of the woman that he looks like this now!

Once Leng Xiuya changed his previous indecency, his indecency would only be revealed when they were the three of them. Now that Ling Junhan has become like this, he must pay attention to it!

"Jun Han, you..."

Ling Junhan ignored the two of them, and continued to fill up the wine bottle for himself, "I don't know!"

He understood what Leng Xiuya wanted to ask, but he didn't know what was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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