Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 243 You must be strong

Chapter 243 You Must Be Strong
Du Xinyan took Yunmo with her, left the farmer, and ran directly towards the airport!

Although Ling Junhan's people are very powerful, they have only seen Yunmo's photo, not the real face!

Yun Mo never used makeup before, but today, in order to escape for her life, Du Xinyan put on a heavy makeup on Yun Mo, which basically covered up her originally beautiful face.

Looking at Yunmo with makeup on, Du Xinyan was stunned again. She knew she was already pretty without makeup, but Yunmo with makeup was even more eye-catching.

"Yunmo, this is for you!" Du Xinyan took out a gold card and handed it to Yunmo.

Yunmo looked at Jinka, she didn't expect that Nie Chenyi had prepared everything for her so well, she was not pretentious, and reached out to take Jinka!

"Thank you!"

Seeing her accepting Nie Chenyi's kindness, Du Xinyan was slightly relieved.

Yun Mo is not that kind of pedantic person, just because she accepts Nie Chenyi's kindness doesn't mean she will use it!
She knows that going abroad this time is not for fun, but for experience. When she matures, it will be a different result when she comes back to welcome her!
She looked at City A with reluctance. This might be the last time she would see it after many years. This land has nurtured her and hurt her.

When she came back, she hoped that she could become stronger, and no longer be a person who needs protection from others everywhere!
After taking a look, Yunmo walked into the waiting room with the suitcase that Nie Chenyi had prepared for her without hesitation.

Du Xinyan looked at her leaving back, so desolate and helpless!

In the past, she was very envious of Yunmo because she was loved by Nie Chenyi, but now she sympathizes with Yunmo very much. If the same thing happens to her, she will definitely not be able to survive!

Du Xinyan sent Yunmo away, turned around and left the airport!

Standing on the rooftop of the hospital, Nie Chenyi looked at the plane flying across the sky, feeling lonely and happy in his heart!

Lonely, it will take him a long time to see Yunmo!
Glad, Yunmo finally escaped from Ling Junhan's palm!

"Xiaomo, you must be strong!"

He knew that Ling Junhan had been following him relentlessly, including everyone Yunmo knew, except Du Xinyan!

Ling Junhan never thought that Du Xinyan and Yunmo would get together, let alone that Du Xinyan would help Yunmo!
The plane disappeared into the clouds, and Nie Chenyi left the sky building and walked towards his mother's ward!
His mother has been in a daze for a long time since she remembered what happened before, even when Nie Shuiling came, she pretended not to know her!
Pushing the door of Yuan Lilan's ward, I saw her lying on the bed as usual, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes, with a deadpan expression on her face.

Nie Chenyi sighed, "Mom, Xiaomo left today, I don't know if it's right or wrong to send her away, but I don't want her to be driven by hatred, rather than let her live in pain, I would rather let her go out and be free Fly once, maybe there will be a different result!"

He checked Yuan Lilan and saw that there was no deterioration, so he ended this brief conversation.

As before, Yuan Lilan still didn't say a word!

Nie Chenyi got used to his mother's silence, after finishing the inspection, he turned and walked towards the door!

"Is Shui Ling okay!"

Hearing this, Nie Chenyi stopped in his tracks. Since his mother fell ill and entered the hospital, Shui Ling had never visited her, but he didn't blame her. After all, all of this was the fate he and his father planted together.

If they hadn't concealed Shui Ling's affairs for their mother back then, I am afraid Shui Ling's father would not have done it either!
(End of this chapter)

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