Chapter 244 She Really Left

"She's fine, she's already met her sister!"

Nie Chenyi looked at Yuan Lilan on the bed.

The corner of Yuan Lilan's mouth overflowed with pain, "She hates me very much, doesn't she?"

Nie Chenyi paused, at this moment he didn't know how to comfort his mother, if Shui Ling didn't hate her, but Nie Shui Ling had seen Yuan Lilan in the future hospital since Yuan Lilan fell ill.

It seems to be hatred, but Yuan Lilan doesn't understand it when she thinks about it, it's just that she can't get over the hurdle in her heart.

For her, she also has a relationship with Nie Shuiling for more than 20 years, and she has long regarded her as her daughter.

When she first learned the truth, it was this that made her unable to accept it!

"Mom, how can a daughter hate her mother!"

"Xiao Yi, don't comfort me, I've already figured it out!" Yuan Lilan sat up from the bed, with a lonely expression, Yuan Lilan, who had been well maintained before, seemed to be ten years old in an instant!
Looking at such a mother, Nie Chenyi felt uncomfortable, "Mom!"

"Son, liking is not for protection, but for pursuit, otherwise she will run away!"

She understands her silly son very well!

Hearing this, Nie Chenyi nodded slightly!

While Nie Chenyi was talking with Yuan Lilan, Ling Junhan had already found Yunmo's whereabouts, but he was still a step too late!
He has been following Nie Chenyi, but Nie Chenyi took advantage of the loophole!

"Young Master Ling, Miss Yun is leaving!"

Artest said truthfully.

"Let's go, she's really gone!" Ling Junhan slightly raised a 45-degree angle to look at the sky behind the glass, this time she still escaped after all.

Ever since he heard Yunmo in Nie Chenyi's mouth that day, he has been very guilty for coming these days. In order to get closer to Yunmo, he directly nestled in Yunmo's room. In the entire Lingyuan, only Yunmo's room still had her. Thick breath!

In order to understand Yunmo better, Ling Junhan dug out all of Yunmo's belongings, but unexpectedly found that Yunmo didn't have a single photo, not even a personal photo, all of which proved Nie Chenyi's words!
For the past ten years, Yunmo has lived under his shadow, and has never been happy, and has no friends, not even anyone to talk to!

Thinking of how he demanded of her in the past, he regretted and blamed himself.

She is an innocent little girl, how could he be so cruel, how could he be so ruthless, it's a pity that no matter how many regrets, she can't get Yunmo back!

This kind of Ling Junhan made Artest feel scared. He remembered that when Ling Shao's mother passed away, he also locked himself in the room, and finally got out of the room.

The first thing is to do business, discard everything he used to, get out of the military camp where he has lived for more than ten years, and get in touch with business that he has never touched before!
At that time, he wanted to avenge her mother, to protect the old man's indifference to his wife, and to defeat the old man in business!
Later, he succeeded and drove the old man out of City A, but he was never happy!

Seeing the old man's indifferent look, his hatred was provoked again, and all the hatred was transferred to Yunmo, only now did he realize that all of this was wrong. I really don't know how Ling Shao can get out of the knot in his heart!

He is very worried!

Ling Junhan stayed in Yunmo's room all the time, making Rong's mother, who had been waiting outside, terrified.

What happened to Xiaomo, she has been belatedly aware of it, why is that child's life so miserable!
She originally wanted to ask Ling Junhan not to hurt Yunmo anymore, but seeing Ling Junhan's distraught look, she couldn't say any more blame, but secretly prayed that Yunmo would be safe!

(End of this chapter)

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