Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 262 Lovesickness counts as illness

Chapter 262
"A Tai, do you think Xiaomo will like it when he comes back?"

Ling Junhan asked with a rare joy.

"Yes, this place has become different from before!" Artest said expressionlessly.

Ling Junhan changed his evil smile before, with a bit of tranquility, "No, it's still the same, send someone to bring Rong's mother back, Xiaomo will like her even more with her here!"


Ling Junhan looked at Artest's leaving back, sighed a long time, and said to the room, "Your master is coming back soon!"

Yunmo found the house in Weitianju. Facing the panoramic view of the city, she felt a strong local fragrance, which she missed very much.

"This house is not bad!"

Nie Chenyi handed her a glass of red wine from behind and said.

Yunmo took the red wine glass, held it in his hand and swayed it gently, watching the liquid swirling in the glass, smelling the fragrance from the wine glass, and was intoxicated.

"Lafite in 78 is very fragrant, cheers!"

"Cheers!" Nie Chenyi said with a smile, "Xiaomo, do you have any plans!"

"Well, I want to understand the situation in a country first, and I'm making plans." Thinking of today's daytime, Ling Junhan called Nie Chenyi Mr. Nie, "By the way, Brother Nie, what are you doing now?"

"My father brought my mother back to the capital, and I accepted the company he left behind!"

"What about your hobbies!"

"Sometimes, you can't have your cake and eat it at the same time. Well, you go to bed early, I'll go first, see you tomorrow!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Nie Chenyi said to Yunmo reluctantly.

"Okay, thank you for today!"

Yunmo sent Nie Chenyi downstairs before turning back.

She returned to the room and stretched tiredly. Fortunately, she didn't have many things, otherwise she would probably be exhausted today.

"Are you tired, do you want me to squeeze it for you!"

The familiar voice stopped Yun Mo's movements in an instant. She stiffened her body and looked towards the source of the sound. She saw Ling Junhan, who sneaked in at some time, holding her wine glass, standing where she was before, with a look on her face. Intoxicated tasting red wine.

From time to time, he clicked his tongue and said, "Lafite in 78 is very fragrant!"

Yun Mo looked at Ling Junhan dumbfounded as if she had been hit by a tired body.

Could it be that he has been monitoring them just now, but Nie Chenyi has no reason not to find out.

"How did you come in, no, how did you find me!"

Ling Junhan slightly raised his eyebrows, he didn't like her defense very much, he had laughed at Nie Chenyi before, but he changed his face no matter how he treated him.

Is Ling Junhan so scary?

"Xiaomo, do you miss me that much? You're so excited after not seeing me for a few days!" Ling Junhan put down his wine glass reluctantly, and walked towards her step by step with a resentful expression.

"You..." Yun Mo was very angry with him, and wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that she was stupid, how could she ask Ling Junhan such a stupid question.

She has not forgotten that with Ling Junhan's huge power, it is not difficult to find someone in the whole country, let alone in City A, it is simply easy.

"What do you think of Anthony?"

When Ling Junhan came to her, Yunmo jumped away defensively and looked at him defensively.

Ling Junhan sat down on the sofa in front of her in a bad mood, "Are you talking about your international friend? I have to correct it. It's not what I did to him. You should ask, what did he do to me?" ?”

Listening to Ling Junhan's words, Yunmo rolled her eyes involuntarily, who else in this world can do anything to you Ling Junhan, open your eyes and talk nonsense without looking at the person.

"Ling Junhan, are you not sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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