Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 263 Even if I die, I will hold you together

Chapter 263 Even if I die, I will hold you together

"Sickness, yes, if lovesickness is considered sickness!"

"You," Ling Junhan made her say it strangely, is this the Ling Junhan she knew before, except for appearance, you are nothing but a prodigal son, "I think you are not sick, but possessed by a ghost! "

What an idiot she is, wasting her time here with this lunatic.

Seeing that Yunmo was successfully irritated by him, Ling Junhan pursed his mouth and looked remorseful. He fell in love with her cute appearance, and took advantage of her unpreparedness, turned over and jumped over the sofa, hugged Yunmo in his arms, and put his head on her face. On Yunmo's neck, he took a deep breath.

"It smells so good!"

"You, rascal!"

Yun Mo just lifted her foot and wanted to step on him, but Ling Junhan hugged him first, "Ah..."

"Since you miss me so much, let's be more realistic!"

"Let go of me, you rascal!"

"Don't let go, I told you that you are mine," after speaking, she threw Yunmo onto the sofa, lowered her head and kissed Yunmo.

Seeing this, Yun Mo bit him unceremoniously, knowing that there was a bloody smell in her mouth, and Ling Junhan had no intention of letting her go, on the contrary, she pushed her further.

Seeing that there was no effect, Yunmo had no choice but to let go.

Ling Junhan saw Yunmo's tangled expression in his eyes, and the flashing smile in his deep eyes, Yunmo still cared about him after all!
Yunmo was helpless, she reached out and fumbled on the table next to her, grabbed a fruit knife, and mercilessly stabbed it into Ling Junhan's back!

Ling Junhan frowned in pain, but hadn't let her go.

Yunmo watched the dazzling blood dripping from his back onto her body, and her hands were covered with blood.

Finally, she couldn't bear to let go of her hand, closed her eyes, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing the tears in the corners of her eyes, Ling Junhan weakly let go of hers, and gently sucked away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Silly girl, it's me who hurts, why are you crying!"

"go away!"

Yunmo's strength came from somewhere, coupled with Ling Junhan's weakness, she pushed Ling Junhan onto the sofa and stood up from under him.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she hadn't shed a tear since her father died that year.

"Ling Junhan, why don't you let me go!"

Ling Junhan didn't care about the wound on his shoulder. With a faint smile, he looked at her without blinking, "I said you are me, and I will never let you go in my life!"

Yunmo fell to the ground and looked at him desperately, "What on earth are you going to do?"

Ling Junhan ignored the pain on his body, reached out and squeezed her jaw, forcing her to look at him, with a wicked smile on his pale face, with a stubborn smile in it, "Xiaomo, don't break free from me, you are destined to You can't escape from my palm, even if you die, I will hold you together!"

"Ah..." Yunmo yelled unbearably, "It is impossible to let me go in this life, Ling Junhan, do you know how much I hate you, I wish I could kill you."

Yun Mo couldn't take it anymore, rushed out the door in a panic, leaving the room to Ling Junhan!
Ling Junhan's handsome face became very pale because of the bleeding, but after seeing Yunmo venting, he felt unexpectedly relieved.

"Xiaomo, I would rather you hate me than torture yourself!"

After speaking, he got up and left Yunmo's room, walked out of Weitianju, took out the phone, looked at Yunmo on the screen, and slid his thumb across Yunmo's face before calling A Wu!

(End of this chapter)

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