Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 274 I'm A Little Thirsty

Chapter 274 I'm A Little Thirsty

Yunmo pretended to look away as if nothing had happened, she could easily untie the rope now, but this was not the main point.

She doesn't know how many people Jun Moyou has arranged here, and where the monitors in the room are installed. The most damning thing is that there is no window in this room. I have to say that they really know how to choose a place!
Now she is pulling her whole body, you know, just agreed to Jun Moyou's agreement, she will destroy it in the next second, she is a crazy woman, don't annoy her, there will be no good fruit to eat then!
Seeing this, Yunmo opened his voice and shouted.

"Is there anyone, come here!"

Yun Mo's expectation was right, at this moment Jun Moyou was indeed sitting by the monitor and watching Yun Mo, seeing that she didn't resist at all, instead she looked impatient.

The last bit of defense in his heart was removed, and Jun Moyou nodded towards the people around him when he heard her voice.

"Ask her what she wants to do!"


Lu Xin got up and came to Yunmo's room door, pushed the door open, looked at her indifferently, "What are you going to do?"

The door was pushed open, Yunmo took the opportunity to see the outside clearly, the long corridor seemed very quiet, a bit dark, and there were two men in black standing beside the door.

Seeing Lu Xin, Yun Mo looked a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, it's like this, I'm a little thirsty, but what!"

She shrugged helplessly, expressing her helplessness.

"I see, you wait!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the next room without closing the door.

Looking at these men in black, Yunmo instantly felt that the matter was not as simple as he imagined, and Jun Moyou could not be the only mastermind of this matter.

Who would that be?The answer came out immediately, without even thinking about it, she must be Ling Junhan's enemy, why is she so weak, how can she get rid of Ling Junhan!

Don't mention how upset she was!
It is noon now, she must not move around, she can only wait until after dark, or when they are eating!
She has a chance!

When Yunmo was struggling, Lu Xin filled a cup with water and handed it to Yunmo.

Yunmo rolled her eyes helplessly, she dared not drink the water they brought, but she didn't show any displeasure on her face, she raised her face, showing a pitiful look, she said hesitantly.

"Brother, I, why don't you help me put the quilt on the table, and I'll find a way to drink it!"

"Well," this saved him a lot of trouble, Lu Xin randomly found a place, put down the cup, and then closed the door and left.

Yun Mo looked at the cup, sighed helplessly, and pretended to move towards the cup, but his strength was too weak, so he couldn't help it, and finally gave up in frustration!

Jun Mowen is not stupid, after meeting with Nie Chenyi, he directly looked up Jun Moyou's address.

It turned out that Jun Moyou's location appeared in a small hotel in the outskirts of the city, the target was locked, and the two rushed towards the small hotel without delay.

When they arrived, they happened to see Ling Junhan's person.

Ling Junhan looked at Jun Mowen with an ugly expression, "You guys are here too, just in time!"

The moment he looked at Ling Junhan, Jun Mowen closed his eyes in pain. Now that Jun Moyou hurt Yunmo, he was undoubtedly touching Ling Junhan's reverse scale. He could imagine Jun Moyou's fate.

"I know what you are going to do, can you make her not so ugly!"

"Then let's see what she does!"

As he spoke, he took Artest and walked towards the small hotel first.

Nie Chenyi didn't hesitate either, the previous time, he missed saving Yunmo, this time, he must not miss it!

(End of this chapter)

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